Chapter 17

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Hello everyone! I just want to apologize for not updating because from the past few weeks I've been busy as my mom's met with an accident. And so I couldn't update. I hope you consider my apology and enjoy the update.

​"Kriya where is my blue tie?" Rey yelled from upstairs.

"Mommy where are my shoes?" Kaira yelled from her room.

"Ughhh, for lord's sake I am a human being and not a robot. Will you both stop shouting?" Kriya replied climbing up the stairs.

"Sorry." Both of them yelled together. She first proceeded to Kaira's room. After handing all the necessities to the child she advanced towards her room where Rey was waiting for her.

"I can't find my tie and wallet." Rey said as soon as he saw Kriya approaching him. Giving him a look she handed him his tie and wallet.

"Someone looks grumpy. May I know the reason behind this grumpy mood?" He asked pinching her nose. She simply smacked away his hand and turned around to leave. He caught her wrist in order to stop her.

"Kriya what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just the usual stuff."

"I'm all ears." He replied.

"It's Bua Dadi. I don't understand why does she dislike me so much? I try new ways to impress her but she finds a fault every time even though it is a minute one. Am I not good enough to be a wife and a mother?"

"You should stop thinking too much. Bua Dadi does not dislike you. It's just that she was very much attached to Payal and finds it difficult to accept you. And dare not you think that you aren't a good wife and a mother. I don't think anyone can handle things like you do. All you need to do is keep trying and I'm sure Bua Dadi will definitely accept you like all of us did."

"Thanks Rey. I guess I needed this talk."

"Anytime." Saying this he continued to do his work.

"Rey." She called him again.


She stared at him for a moment before replying "umm...nothing." Giving her a confused look he left the room. She exhaled a deep sigh and sat on the bed. She really wanted to clarify things but was scared to do so. She didn't want him to think that she was doubting him. But she couldn't take it out of her mind as well.

After ending the phone call Kriya bumped into a lady.

"I'm sorry" She said but as her eyes fell beyond that lady they widened in shock. A girl around her age or maybe a year younger approached a man. As soon as she called his name that person turned around. That person was none other than Rey. And the thing that shocked her was that, that woman kissed Rey on his lips. It was a freaking lip lock which lasted for a minute before Rey pulled back. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she controlled them. Her body became numb for a few minutes. The last thing that she witnessed was that Rey had his arms linked with her and they walked in the opposite direction. That was when Sharon appeared there and brought her out of her trance.

This incident happened two days back and still Kriya didn't find the courage to question him. She didn't share it with anyone. It was eating her up from within. This incident flashed in her mind like a sinful song.

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