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This story revolves around two people named Reyansh and Kriya. Both of them have lost their love once and are being tied into the sacred bond of marriage against their will. Reyansh, also known as Rey fondly, has a five year old daughter named Kaira, who is in search of a mother. WIll Kriya and Rey fall in love with eachother? Will Kriya prove to be a desired mother for Kaira? To know what destiny has in store for them, stay tuned to this story.

Authors Note:

Hey guys, this is Maneet. It's not my first ever story but defintely a first on Wattpad. I've already completed it on another sitte and thought of posting it over here. It is basically a fanfiction on an Indian televsion couple Rey and Kriya, but you guys are free to imagine whoever you wish you. I hope you guys like this story. And most important thing is that the length of the updates will be similar to the length of drabble, nearly to 500-600 words. Since I've already completed it, i'll be updating it once intwo days.

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