I Want Answers! Now!

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Tony POV

Nat can't keep her sob in anymore letting it out. Nia looks at her, eyebrows scrunched together. Tony can't seem to catch his breath, all this time looking for her and she couldn't remember him. He can feel determination filling his body. He'll fix her, he has to fix her! She needs to come home.

"You can let go of her now." Blue Eyes, Derek, says stepping forwards. Tony stares at him, never letting go of Nia. He finally looks at her seeing she is slightly uncomfortable. He lets go of her face reaching for her hand, encircling her wrist before tapping each finger. There's a spark of recognition in her eyes but she doesn't respond. So the memories are there but buried, good to know.

"Come. Let me show you the lab" she nods following behind Tony, Nat and Steve on each side trying to regain composure.

"Hey wait!" Derek says before running to catch up grabbing her hand. She looks back at him and he lets go following close behind. The rest trailing after them. Tony tries to ignore the shaking in his hands as he leads her to the lab.

As the memorial comes closer the three tilt their head away but Nia stops.

"Is that-?" She asks stepping closer. Tony gulps watching her take it in. A statue was erected of her famous pose with screens all around. Different picture and videos of her playing on. The sound cut off as no one could handle hearing her voice or laugh knowing that's all they had left of her. There were a few times her voice carried in the wind and people would run thinking she'd finally come home. Even with the memorial up no one could stand to make videos talking about her so for now this was all there is. Flowers would randomly pop up, different people leaving them in her memory. The Lily Stargazer, the one flower always replaced and placed gently in her hand, the one everyone spent the most time wondering who left it, was the most beautiful addition to her memorial.

She watches the videos of her dancing in the rain, talking about random things around the compound. She takes a step forward when a video places of the Avengers weekly movie night. The camera pans showing everyone when suddenly she grips her head standing back.

"BabyGirl?" Derek asks stepping forward. She grabs his arm pulling him close. She nods her head then turns to Tony.

"I'd like to go to the lab please."

Once a rundown of the lab and all it's equipment was over with, Nia was placed in a machine to scan her brain. It was a weird mix between magic and an MRI that would help gauge any damage done to her brain or what needed to be fixed. Tony gave her a rundown of what would happen in the 1 to 2 hours that it would take to scan her brain. He watches her close her eyes and settle in as the machine starts.

He motions for everyone to head out the room before he spins to Luke, lunging for him. Steve grabs him tightly before he can reach for them. The woman, Lila, and the brawny one, Damien, standing protectively in front of him.

"Let me go Steve! I wanna know how the fuck these people have her!"

"You know her ?" The curly hair one, Vincent, says. He recognized Piccolina in the videos but he needs to hear it from them. .

"Her name is Nia Barton." Nat says, stepping forward. "She's 29 years old."

"Just knowing a random name and age doesn't mean anything." The other one, Derek, says harshly.

"She has a birthmark on her back, right under her bra line." Nat says.

"There's also one on her right ear." Tony says calmly, pushing Steve's hands away from him. Vincent and Luke share a look but the others, besides Damien, seem skeptical.

"They had videos of her." Damien says in the silence.

"That could be anyone!" Derek says.

Tony grabs a tablet opening a video of her talking about the compound. She's younger, no scars on her hands and a light in her eyes she doesn't have now. They watch it for a moment before Luke steps forward.

"I can't tell you much. What I can tell you, what I know, is that close to five years ago we found her on a neighboring island. When we got there we destroyed what we could and found her." Luke stops knowing this would hurt Tony. Tony braces knowing it'll be bad. "We found her half dead, strapped to a machine." A sob leaves the three of them. "Her recovery was hard and painful. She struggled but she never stopped smiling. For a few months every day she woke up as if it was the first day we rescued her. After a long recovery she got better but she doesn't have any solid memories or even know who she is."

"Solid memories?" Steve asks.

"She has shadowy and vague images," Vincent explains being the most experienced in what she sees. "Nothing explainable just enough to know gender and maybe some movements but nothing else."

"She has no memory?" Nat's voice breaks as she asks.

"No. No memory. We nicknamed her Piccolina. She's so small." Derek says fondly staring into the room she's in.

"We need to call them back home Tony."

"Steve" Nat whispers, knowing now isn't the time.

"No!", Tony answered firmly. "Let them finish the mission"

"Tony if they find out she's here and we said nothing-"

"But she's technically not here Capsicle. She doesn't know us. It hurts us, how do you think the other will feel? Especially -"

"Tony's right", Nat says placing a hand on Steve's shoulder. "We need to wait. They'll be home soon anyways."

Luke steps forward. "Too much information causes her to loose her memories. If we push it she could even forget us."

Tony stares at him still suspicious of them and their connection to Nia's kidnappings. Lila takes a step forward.

"You may think we're suspicious but there's nothing we wouldn't do for Piccolina. We'd do anything for her and we want what's best for her. We take care of our own. She's family."

Tony turns his head to look at her trying to hide his tears.

"No. She's our family."


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