Do You Think This Will Work?

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Tony and Bruce stand in the corner talking with a tablet in their hand. Derek watches them from the other side of the room.

"Maybe they do know her." He tells Luke who nods.

"It's obvious they care for her."

Lila stares at Luke and Derek. "A small part of her knows them. She had a small response to the way Tony tapped her fingers. She knows them subconsciously, even if she doesn't realize it."

"Even if their machines can't help her their prescience definitely will." Vincent adds softly. "She needs to stay here, especially if there are others who know her."

Luke nods softly agreeing but Derek doesn't understand them, something is off he can feel it.

"Derek? What's in your head?" Luke asks noticing how tense Derek is.

"The memorial."

"What about it?"

"Why have it up? They can barely look at it. It's as if they just wrote her off as dead."

"We didn't." Natasha says from their left. They all turn to see her with tears in her eyes. "5 years we searched for her, fought for her, killed for her. It was breaking us all. We lost sight of her, in more ways than her kidnapping. We put the memorial up as a reminder, for closure. It just caused more pain than anything else, nearly killed us. We just want...we need her home."

The silence between them is stiff but an understanding of what she said is acknowledged.

"We'll be staying for however long it takes."

"I'll set up rooms." Tony says softly, walking up to them. "As of now the rest of the team will be gone for a few more hours. For now we'll keep them out of the loop. Nia has a room here but it might be best to wait. She may need to stay here in the lab for a bit. There's some swelling in her brain that concerns me. We have what we need to help but it's not enough. We may have to get a closer look at what's going on, so we're going to sedate her."

Derek steps forward a snarl on his face but Tony puts his hand up.

"The swelling in her brain is getting worse. If we don't fix this soon, before it gets worse, who knows what it will do or what side effects will occur. We need to do what we can now and find a solution while doing it." Tony's voice starts to get louder. "But we need to be sure and right now we aren't. I don't want her to be nervous. Bruce and I are positive we can do it. We just need time."

"You are more than welcome to stay and watch." Steve suggests putting his hand on Tony shoulder.

Surprisingly Damien steps forward to talk. "Whatever you can do to help."

4 hours later

The screams could be heard heading towards the Lab. Derek and Damien stand up ready to fight whoever it is. They see Steve and Tony arguing with a female and a male. The male is tall with long black hair and green clothing. The female looks ready to battle with glowing red hands. Damien and Derek share a look when they see her. Is she?

She pushed past Tony coming into the room where Piccolina was asleep. She stops dead at the sight of her. The male comes rushing in running to her side, pushing past Derek and Damien.

Damien goes to grab him and the male flings him across the room.

"Do NOT get in my way." The man sneers before kneeling by Piccolina side. Derek goes to rush the man when the female stands infront of him, hands glowing.

"Tony!" Damien snarls getting up from the floor.

"Everyone calm down!" Tony says from inside his suit, standing between Derek and the girl. "Derek, Damien this is Wanda Maximoff and Loki Laufeyson. They're friends of Nia."

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