The Right Thing To Do

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Vincent POV

The sound of his footsteps echo down the hallway as he walks to the lab. He needs to talk to Luke and Tony.. She's getting some memories but not enough, more needs to be done!

He sighs knowing that whatever is keeping Luke near Tony is big and he's afraid for what that'll mean for them. But right now, she's more important and they'll need to get a handle of the situation. Derek needs to get a handle on his feelings and stop keeping Piccolina away from certain Avengers. He has a suspicion as to why Derek is having a hard time with Piccolina interest even if he doesn't see it yet.

Vincent sighs knocking on the lab doors waiting for them to open. Tony looks up before letting him in, Banner on the other side of the lab. Luke is standing next to Tony still talking as he walks up.

"All I'm saying is if I give you what I know can you figure out the rest?"

"Not to sound cocky but I'm pretty good at what I do." Tony responds back fiddling with a machine. Luke visibly relaxes before nodding.

"Vincent what's up?"

"Hey Tony. I wanted to talk to the both of you."

"About Nia?"

Vincent nods trying to get his thoughts in order before he talks. He turns to Luke first. "We need to let her around them more."

"I didn't want to say anything but I agree." Tony says. " She can't get her memories back if we can't talk to her freely And she is getting them back"

"How do you know?"

Bruce walks up behind them speaking. "You heard when you were in here. She asked me how I was doing with the Hulk. And the project that I started before she disappeared. She asked Nat when they were going to try out that new restaurant that opened up 5 days before she disappeared. She told Bucky he owed her a dance but before anyone could get more information Derek interrupted. I could keep going. The main thing though is that she doesn't even realize she's asking us. There's a glaze in her eye that disappears as soon as the moment does."

"Luke she knows more than we think she does."

"She needs more interactions. She's not herself but Wanda was saying the more she's around them the more she acts like herself." Bruce says as Tony nods.

" The team wants more time with her but they're begrudgingly respecting what isn't being said."

"We'll do what we can to help."

"The machine should be ready in about a month. Calibrating everything isn't working out well but I'll figure it out." Bruce says walking away. Vincent looks at Luke who shakes his head softly.

"Let me know when those files will get here and where the island was and I'll get it figured out." Tony says. Luke nods before motioning Vincent out the room.

"You're sending them to the islands!" Vincent whispers when they're far enough away.

"Just the one."


"I have suspicions of what happened and why she was there." Luke says tightly rubbing his hand over his face. "I can't tell you more."

Vincent takes a moment to grasp what is being said before speaking again. "That means-"

Luke stops facing him directly. "Don't. Leave this to me. I can't involve you.

"But Luke-"

Luke cups his cheek. "Please promise me you'll let this go till it's time.

Vincent meets his eye staring intensely before giving a slow nod.

"Luke, are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

"I hope so"

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