What's Going On?

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"I feel like I know you don't I?"

The man smiles softly. "You did."

"I forgot." She says softly watching him nod.

"Did they fix the swelling?" She asks turning to Luke who nods his head. When you continue to stare at him he keeps talking. "This is Loki. We talked for a bit. The woman there is Wanda.

Flashes come into your head. A woman giving you a smirk over a pot of cooking food. Cuddled between people on a bed watching a Disney movie.

"Piccolina?" Derek's voice pulls her from her memories. She hums in answer still stuck on the images in her head. The man, Loki?, still has a hold of her hand. She slowly pulls it away trying not to show her discomfort.

"We will-" the mans voice breaks. "We will let you get some rest." With that everyone but Apa, Derek and Damien leave the room.

Apa stares for a second before brushing her forehead with his finger. "They seem to be good people."

"And they know me?" She asks quietly, trying to squash the hope in her heart.

"It seems so."

For the next two days she stays in the medical wing. More shadowy memories come to her but they're so vague that they're useless to her. She watches the others, the Avengers?, interact which causes a sense of deja vu but she quickly brushes it off. She got the feeling with those on the island all the time, it doesn't mean anything.

By the third day she is placed in a bedroom and is eating in the kitchen area with everyone.

Mr. Stark, Barton, Wilson and Barnes have just arrived.

Tony, Steve and Natasha share a tense look between them. They know this might get ugly. Steve nods at Tony as they hear the others get closer.

"What's wrong?" Derek asks.

"Can you please hide her until we can explain her presence?" Steve asks Luke, who nods. "The fact we didn't call them home may lead to a fight."

Valda and Derek stand slightly infront of her while Luke and Vincent stand beside her. Damien is behind her while Loki hovers in the background with Wanda.

"Hey Nat." A familiar voice says.

"Clint," Clint? She thinks, why is that so familiar?. Natasha has a tense and emotional look on her face which causes the three to stop suddenly.

"What's going on?" The same voice says. She pushes the wall in front of her slightly so that she can see.

"Steve? What's going on?" A different, more gruff, voice says.

"We need you to stay calm." Natasha says walking closer.

"Nia?" The voice cracks so it's hard for her to pinpoint which voice it was. One of the men pace away at Steve's nod. The profile is so familiar to her. She sees herself holding the bow and arrows in her hands. She shakes her head no it has to be a different bow.

"Clint you need to stay calm!" Natasha says in a soft voice.


She can see more of his face now and can't help the gasp that leaves her. She remembers him!

She's on the floor and he's hovering over her, shaking her awake.

They pull up to a two story farmhouse.

He's showing her how to use a bow and arrow.

Training with him.

Sitting at a table with a family, laughing.

She pushes everyone out of her way, running full force to him.

"PICCOLINA!" Derek shouts causing the men to turn towards her. The man opens his arms, catching her as he sobs. He falls to his knees taking her with him as he sobs into her hair. Tears fall from her eyes as she hugs him close.

"Munchkin." He whispers softly. "Oh god! You're here, you're really here." After a few more minutes he pulls away. "How? Where have you been?"

"I've been with them." She says pointing to Luke and the others. "They saved me."

"From what?" He asks gruffly, tension in his shoulders.

"I-I don't know."

"What?" He says it so harshly that she flinched back pushing him away. She turns and Vincent is already there pulling her into his arms. Clint stands staring this man down.

"Is this Stockholm syndrome? What did you do to her?" Vincent steps back taking her with him as Clint advances. Damien stands between them pushing Clint back.

"Please calm down." Damien says softly. The others surround clint showing a united front and their formation causes her head to pound. She gasps, grasping her head tightly as pain pierces her skull. Flashes of memories hit her so fast she can't see anything. She scream as the pain gets worse falling into Vincent's arms. Tony and Bruce rush over telling Vincent to take her to the medical wing. On her way there she passes out cold.

Everyone waits outside as Vincent, Clint, Tony and Bruce go with her. Neither side knows what to say to the other. The two new additions, Bucky and Sam, were quiet in the background. Sam turned to Bucky knowing how this must be for him.

"You good?" Sam asks him. Bucky looks towards him giving a sharp small nod.

Suddenly Clint storms out of the room Tony not far behind him.

"Clint," Tony says, touching his arm. He turns to Tony shoving him.

"Why didn't you call me Tony? Is this a sick joke? You think this is funny!"

"Clint, you need to understand!"


"GIVE ME A BREAK!" Tony take a deep breath before taking a step towards Clint. " what was I suppose to do? Call you home when she can't even remember? The fact she even remembered you is shocking! She doesn't know any of us!"

Vincent takes a step forward. "She knows enough to know you're familiar to her but I bet she can't tell you why."

"It's instinctual." Loki offers looking at Vincent who nods.

"You have to be careful how hard you push her." Luke says. Clint turns to him furiously pointing a finger at him.


"We aren't your enemy." Vincent says softly. "We will tell you what we know but we aren't enemies."

"Clint." Natasha says putting her hand on his shoulder. "They rescued her. We're the strangers. We can't risk pushing her away."

"Clint takes a deep breath before he nods. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Luke says. "She's someone who is special to you that was kidnapped. She shows with random people. I understand."

"Biologically she's not my daughter but I love her a some. I found her when she was 17,  that's my little girl."

They seemed shocked but Luke nods his head. "She's your daughter. There's no denying that."

"We'll help however we can." Vincent says. "She's done so much for us. We'd like to help her get her memories back."

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