I'm Fine

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After a few days of planning and packing the six of them are on a plane headed off the island. She was glad Milo wasn't coming with them as he freaked her out and Ember was a bitch. The more time without them would be best. Her knee is bouncing erratically throughout the flight. After some time Derek places his hand on her knee.

"What if it doesn't work?" She whispers.

Derek sighs softly, "It'll be fine no matter what! The worst thing that'll happen is they can't help you."

"I'm worried. What if it turns out no one's been looking for me?"

Derek cups her face, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "I can't think of anyone who wouldn't want to look for you! You are an amazingly, beautiful and talented woman! Anyone is blessed to have you in their lives!"

She smiles sweetly leaning in slowly. It's moments like these that make her wish she could let go of the vague haunting memories and be with Derek. The plane jolts causing them to let go of each other. She sighs softly, secretly glad.

"Get some sleep." He tells her, putting a blanket over her legs and pulling her into his side.

Munchkin use your senses!

Let's go shopping and watch that new movie

You fight! No matter what you fight to come back to us short stack.

Do you love him?

You know I can read minds right?

Do you trust me?

I don't know what I'd do without you

Grab her. She's exactly what we need.

No! No please! I can't do this again! She can feel the electric pokes on her side, the kicks to her head, the pull on her arms as they drag her to another room.

You fight!

Never give up Munchkin

We'll always find you.

She let out a sob as they placed her in a chair, needles poking in and out. Where are they? They said they'd always be there, always find her but they're not here. The stabs start to burn and she thrash's  trying to get away, to find some relief but none come. Her thrashes get slower and slower, her pulse fading. This is it, this is how she-


The scream causes her to jolt awake, sweat on her forehead and her rapid breath loud. Everyone is standing there staring at her.

"I-I'm-I'm sorry."

"There not nightmares she says." Derek says moving her hair from her face.

"This one was." She whispers.

"Do you wanna-" she quickly cuts Vincent off.

"No. I barely remember it. I'm fine."

Everyone knows she's lying but they don't pusher her.

"We'll talk about this later," Apa says, "for now get ready. We're here."

She plays with the hem of her shirt before Derek grabs her hand softly.

"It'll be fine." He says into her hair placing a gentle kiss. She nods taking a deep breath.

"Stay by me?" She asks softly looking up at him through her lashes. He smiles softly his blue eyes twinkling at her.

His eyes twinkle at her as he shakes a can of whipped cream before putting some on her nose. She laughs trying to grab the can but he keeps it out of her reach. He laughs moving away from her. She runs towards him jumping on his back. He flips her onto the couch before hovering over her, the can still in his hand.

"Surrender D-"

"BabyGirl?" She looks up at Derek realizing he's been trying to get her attention.


"Everyone's waiting." He says motioning to everyone by the stairs staring at her. She takes a deep breath before nodding.

Damien and Lila walk in front while Derek keeps her in the middle with Vincent on her right. She shakes lightly as she looks around while they walk.  The jets look familiar but they're nothing like the ones The Elders own. It's a big space with multiple aircraft everywhere, they must be at an airport of some sort? She pays little attention to the three people walking up to them. She can't shake a sense of Deja Vu even as they start talking. She spins looking up into the rafters, looking for a sign of...something. Derek's tug on her hand brings her back to the present.

"Yes, this is her", Apa says, stepping to the side so she can see who he's talking to. There's a man with a goatee and a chest light? The woman on his left looks hot! Short red hair curled slightly and a stance that screamed bad bitch. She smiles slightly imagining Red taking down the baddest guys with just a flip. The man on his right is staring at her intensely, his blond hair a little long and his beard scruffy.

"Hi," she says softly, stepping forward. The three seem to be in shock, their faces pale. The woman is clutching her heart while the blonde seems to be seconds from passing out and the goatee seems on the verge of tears. Goatee steps forward with his hand reaching for her face. She tenses but stays still as she watches the tears fall from his eyes.

"Nia?" He whispers.

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