Healthy Again

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They throw Bucky back into the cell, laughing as they walk away. He leans over coughing up blood before he looks over at the other cells. Wanda is in a straight jacket, a collar around her throat as she stares at the wall almost lifeless. Clint is chained to the wall in his cell, he keeps yanking the chains but there's no escape.

"What do they want?" Clint asks.

"Nia." He says coughing, "they want Nia."

Clint curses harshly, yanking harder on the chains. Bucky groans as he lifts himself onto his hands and to his feet. Bucky leans against the wall closing his eyes.

Please don't let her come here. Keep her away, He thinks. His body is too heavy for him so he slides to the floor heavily, passing out.

Bucky wakes up to water being thrown on his face.

"Get up," Milo snarls. Bucky flips him off staying on the ground. Milo motions for the guards to get him, watching them force him up. They drag him outside where he sees Wanda and Clint in a cage off to the side. Milo bends his head backwards when they drop him to his knees. "Let's see who she chooses to save."

"No," Bucky says after a few minutes, watching Nia walk towards them. "No!"

"Nia." Milo says with a smug smile.

"Milo." She says haughtily, stopping a few feet from them. Milo motions for the guards to grab her, they share a look before heading toward her.

"I wouldn't do that." She says with a smug smile.

"And why not?" Milo asks. "You're vastly outnumbered."

"Am I?" She asks smugly. Milo narrows his eyes at her before cursing.

"Doesn't matter you're still outnumbered right here."

" think I came alone."

Milo snaps his head to the cage to see it empty, he turns back to Nia with a snarl, stopping short when he sees Vincent and Damien with her.

"Just you three?" Milo asks.

"I think we can take you." Nia says quietly.

"Ah yes Mr uncontrollable, Miss denial and Mr control. You sure can take me." Milo snaps his fingers, fire coming from his hands. The guards bring up their guns but a quick swipe of Vincent's hands have both flying through the air. With a quick pull Damien manages to grab Bucky with his magic, pulling him toward them. Nia grabs Bucky around his shoulder checking him over as Vincent and Damien step in front of her.

"Are you ok?" She asks him, trying to wipe the blood off his face.

"You shouldn't be here." He says harshly trying to get up.

She rolls her eyes, "oh please. Where else would I be?" He shakes his head still trying to get up. "Stay down." She says gently, "please."

He groans but lays back down, unable to move without hurting. She lays him down before turning to Milo who glares at them.

"You done?" He asks.

"Where's Ember?" Vincent asks. Milo simply shrugs with a smirk. "Tell us where she is."

Milo throws a fireball at them, Damien using his magic to control it, flinging it back. It's a constant back and forth between the three and Milo.

Tony and Loki are making their way back to where Nia is after grabbing Wanda and Clint. When they're a few feet away Ember steps out in front of them.

"Hello boys." She says with a smile. "You know you're different than I expected."

"What?" Tony asks.

"Well she doesn't remember but...I was there with her." Ember walks closer as she talks. "She used to cry out for all of you. It was quite pathetic. I think that's why she so easily gave up her memories."

Loki ignores her taunts but Tony can't. "You're lying."

"Am I?" Ember asks smugly. "Let's think about it, she spent almost a whole year convinced you were going to come rescue her. But you never came. It's easy to see that she gave up on you."

"She didn't." Tony snarls.

"Seems like she did. Why remember the people who let her suffer?"

"We looked for her!" Tony yells.

"Not hard enough." Ember says. Tony yells shooting at her as she laughs. Nia, sensing the magic Ember uses to disable Tony's suit, runs toward where she is. Ember is so focused on Tony and Loki she doesn't realize Nia runs up behind her. She kicks Ember down, creating knives with her magic to stab her shoulders, keeping her to the ground.

"You fucken psychopath!" Nia says when Ember bends to pull them out, throwing them at Nia who dodges. She pushes Tony and Loki away to keep them out of the fight.

Ember was wrong, Nia did remember her being there. With every cut and punch she manages to get on Ember she remembers everytime she screamed as Ember broke her leg and fingers. The smile Ember had when she stabbed her in the heart with a syringe. She also remembered the way Milo would watch with glee in his eyes. Even without her memories she knew deep down to stay away from them. Sharing a look with Loki he joins in the fight subduing Ember. Using her magic Ember immobilizes Loki, she goes to stab him but Nia produces a spear throwing it at her. She looks away slightly when it pierces her neck, Ember choking on her own blood as she falls to the ground. She can't focus on that immediately turning around to head back to Milo. Damien's arm is burned, Vincent using his magic to bind Milo's hands. With a yell he shoves Vincent off, sending a fireball towards Nia. She manages to dodge it, creating a bow and arrow. When the next fireball appears she sends it flying, trapping the fire and sending it back to Milo. He's too slow to dodge it, the fire catching him in its destruction. Mixed with Nia's magic he's gone in less than a minute. Nia, not used to using so much magic, falls to her knees before fainting.

Nia sits up with a gasp, looking around.

"Hey! It's ok!" Loki says keeping her down on the bed.

"What happened?" She asks, looking around. They were currently on the quinjet flying back to the island. "Where's Bucky?" She asks. Loki points to the other side where he's lying asleep. "Is he ok?"

"He'll be fine. He'll need a few days though."

She nods, "and everyone else?"

"Well Tom and the other retired guards got the last 5 within the villages. It's over."

Nia sighs relaxing onto the bed, "it's over?"

Loki nods his head, "yeah we got them all."

Nia looks at him excitedly before her face starts to crumble, within seconds she's a sobbing mess holding tight to Loki. By the time they're landing on the island she has better control of herself. Vincent and Damien wait for her by the ramp, holding their hands out to her. She smiles at them, grabbing it as they watch the others exit, Bucky being taken to the infirmary. They walk down the ramp relaxing when they see all the villagers safe. The second she steps onto the ground of the island a strong wind bends the trees back a bit. For a few second it looks as if the island glows, any plants dead or dying springing back to life and the sound of the animals filling the air.

"You feel it?" Damien asks, closing his eyes.

"Yeah," Nia says with a smile. "The island is healthy again."

The three share a smile before continuing on. Vincent and Damien share a look; Piccolina...Nia they correct themselves, she's accepted her past, she might not be healed but she's at peace.

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