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It takes 9 hours after Bucky is raced to medical for a doctor to come out to talk to them. He had little information on why or how she reacted the way she did, nothing they could see that caused the bleeding, but for now she was stable. Bruce confirmed this with the multiple test results.

"Her cognitive scans." Bruce says looking over his glasses at the doctor.

"Yes, they're showing she's conscious but she's not awake. It would seem that she's reliving memories, considering the information you gave us." The doctor says softly.

"So it worked?" Sam asks.

"It's hard to say but something definitely changed her brain wave." Bruce says before he asks F.R.I.D.A.Y to see if Shuri was available to talk with him. If anyone could help them it would be her. As he walks off the doctor lets them know she'd be moved to a room and while no visitors were allowed they could stay outside her room. After checking on her a few went to bed leaving Vincent, Damien, Clint, Steve, Bucky and Sam to stand outside. Tony and Luke went to the lab to talk with Bruce and Shuri to find a solution.

Throughout the night they watch her through the glass, her head twitching side to side randomly. Her lips move but it's hard to make out what she's saying.

She moans loudly as she opens her eyes, her head throbbing painfully. She can feels the remnants of her dream slowly fading away making her grit her teeth. Everything is just a constant black blur of pain. She turns when she feels a hand against hers, cracking an eye to see Bucky in the chair next to her. Sam asleep on the other side with Vincent at the foot of the bed.

"Hey," she croaks out. Bucky springs up quickly looking around and it takes him a moment before he realizes she's awake.

"Nia!" He says causing Vincent and Sam to wake up. "Hey!"

She gives him a groggy smile seeing the tension around his eyes lessen as he cups her cheek. "What happened?"

"We were hoping you'd tell us." Vincent says.

Her eyebrows are pulled down over her eyes as she watches them, "I remember trying to get my memories back then pain before I passed out."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Vincent what's going on?" She says her voice raises slightly as she panics.

"You started to scream. Nothing would stop the machine and you started to bleed." She stares open mouth as he falls, that is definitely not how she remembers any of it.

"Your body rejected something and we don't know what." Sam says softly gently grabbing her hand. "Do you remember anything?"

"I remember dreaming but I don't remember about what."

Vincent sighs before nodding. "Get some rest little one. We'll be here."

She nods her head as he turns to walk out the room, Sam following. She quickly grabs Bucky's hand before he can follow. He turns back to her curiously.

"Can you stay please?" She whispers to him.

"Yeah. Yeah D-" he stops leaning over to kiss her forehead. She sighs before scooting over a bit.

"Can-can you hold me please?" He stands there frozen and she starts to fidget. She didn't know how to tell him she felt safer with him around. "If you're not comfortable with it that-"

"No! No it's fine I just..." he sighs before nodding, climbing in the bed pulling her close. "Are you comfortable?"

She nods her head, a sigh leaving her as she relaxes in his arms.

"Is perfect." She says sleepily.

She wakes to the low murmur of voices around her. She buries her head in the pillow her head is on, the scent of leather and something else, something familiar filling her senses. Arms tighten around her before they move away, a gently kiss placed in her forehead. She's gently laid down on the bed, sleepily smiling as she's tucked in, the voices slowly leaving the room.

She wakes up screaming, punching the person touching her. She's trying to get as far away as possible but three people are blocking her in slowing moving towards her. She curls up into a ball after flinging herself off the end and into the corner sobbing.

She picks up her head slowly when a soft voice talking to her gains her attention. She can see his lips moving but she can't make sense of what he's saying. She shrinks back as he moves closer, his hand moving in a circle before landing straight up and waiting. She stares at the hand waiting for it to grab her but he just waits patiently. The voices in the background ar whetting louder but she doesn't flinch, somehow confident that right now they won't come closer.

Tentatively she reaches her hand out slowly to him. He matches her pace until their touching palm to palm. She lets out a sob when her mind clears as if the curtains to a window were opened letting sunlight in. She knows who this is, it's Vincent. She launches at him with a sob clinging to him as he whispers in her ear. He lays on the bed with her, not too close. She gently smiles before falling asleep.

Vincent POV

He sighs watching Piccolina fall asleep. He keeps his arm loose and away from her skin, his body 3 inches away from hers. Once she's asleep he carefully moves out the bed knowing how badly she freaks out when she wakes. He motions for Tony, Derek and Sam to leave the room quietly. Once they're out the door and half way down the hallway he asks them what happened.

"I went to wake her." Derek says looking down the hallway towards where she is.

"How? How did you wake her?"

"I squatted down and touched her. When she mumbled I touched her head." Vincent sighs, rubbing his face harshly.

"You need to be careful how you wake her when she's asleep! You can't just touch her however you like!"

"Look Vincent she needed to be woken up. I went to wake her. She shouldn't be reacting like this! It's been years!"

"That doesn't matter!" Vincent yells frustrated at Derek's insistence that Piccolina should just instantly be 'healed'.

"You baby her too much!" Derek yells back. Vincent moves towards him when Sam, mentioning Bucky's name, stops him. They all look to see him heading into her room. They run down the hall just in time for them to see her blink sleepily up at Bucky. There's no screams, no punches, no panic. She simply wakes up.

Vincent watches the way Bucky pushes her hair behind her ear. He props her pillows helping her sit up a bit while he hands her some water for her pain pills. They watch her take the pills before she lays back down motioning for him to join her. Alpine jumps up laying by her head while Parker curls himself against her side. When Derek moves to walk in, Vincent stops him. She's willingly allowing someone to touch her when she's half awake. Not only that but Bucky is holding her close to his chest, his hands are on her...and she's not panicking. She's not having flashbacks of when she was kidnapped...she's...peaceful.

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