How Was Her Recovery?

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"it was the worst feeling in the world." Tony whispers." We couldn't trace it, couldn't find her. Our last image of her was that damn video."

"Tony I'm so sorry."

Tony looks away before sighing deeply.

"Atleast now we know she wasn't suffering all these years."

Tony looks at Bruce horrified. "she still suffered Bruce."

"but they saved her." Bruce turns to Luke. "How was her recovery?"


1 week after rescue

Luke, Vincent and Derek stand outside the infirmary talking to the Doctor about the females recovery.

Doctor- "she won't let anyone near her. She keeps asking for a him but we don't know who. We can't heal her this way."

Vincent- "you two head in there and see what you can do."

Luke motions for Derek to go first. They walk in to see the girl trying to get out of bed. She turns when she hears them.

"You're here." She whispers trying to get up and go to him. Derek races forward to catch her before she falls. "I'm sorry but I needed to see you. I needed to know you were safe!"

Derek-"I am safe. Will you let the doctors heal you now?"

"Will you stay?"

Derek nods his head as she stares at him. Her hand raises as if she wants to touch him before she drops it on the bed.

"You don't have to stay here," she whispers. "I know you have more important things than me."

Derek-"nothing's more important than you right now."

She gives a blinding smile before she notices the doctor. She shrinks a bit before nodding her head. They prep her for the pod before they roll her away.

Derek-" I'll wait for you here."

2 Weeks after

Luke-"how is she?"

Derek looks up from the book in his lap. "Still unconscious. They don't know for how long. She keeps mumbling in her sleep."

Luke- "what is she saying?"

Derek- "please. Stop. You can't have him. Where are you? I love you. I'm so sorry. Brainwash. Help. God. That's all I can make out so it makes little sense."

Luke nods sitting in the other side of the bed. "We put feelers out but so far nothing. Let's hope she wakes soon."

3 weeks after

Derek feels movement under his hand. He jumps up to see the girl opening her eyes. She sees him and starts to panic.

Derek-"hey hey it's ok it's ok. Do you remember me? I carried you to the plane?" She softly nods her head. "Good that's good. How are you feeling?"

She goes to open her mouth but all that comes out is blood. Derek hits the call button yelling for the doctor. Everyone races in and starts working on her. They softly push Derek out the room as they figure out what's wrong.

10 weeks after

Luke watches Derek scrub his face tiredly. Every few days the female would wake up, panic, realize where she was then be rushed to a pod. Her injuries were too extensive that they weren't being healed right. Derek rarely left her side, choosing to be by her. She seemed to respond positively to him, as if she knew him.

The doctor walks into the room headed for them.  "We think we got everything. We made sure to extensively check. She has a long recovery but she should be fine now. I would suggest getting her set up in a room soon.

Luke-"we already have a room set up for her."

"You can take her in 2 days. She seems to be fully conscious so if you'd like to talk with her."

They both thank the doctor before heading into the room. Most of the cuts and bruises have healed on her face. A few stitches peak out from her gown but everything, even her hands and legs, look to be in good condition.

They both pause when she looks up hesitantly at them. She doesn't reach or lunge for Derek and seems timid.

"I was told you rescued me." She says after a few minutes of silence.

Derek- "yes."

"Thank you both. I-" her voice fades out as she seems to be thinking.

Luke-"we have some questions for you. Do you know how you got there."

The girl looks up with panic in her eyes. "I-I-I don't know."


"The last thing I remember is seeing your face. But it's blurry. I-I "

Luke walks closer putting his hand on hers. She flinched but holds still. She's strong and a fighter.

"Let's start with something simple. What's your name?"

Tears fill her eyes. "I don't know."

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