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The next day there's a knock at her door. She pauses, fear taking over her body as she stands there.

"Nia!" A voice calls out, "Nia, are you awake? It's Sam." She breathes a sigh of relief before racing to open the door. He smiles at her softly when he sees her.

"I'm doing some volunteer work today and was wondering if you wanted to go. Damien is coming with me."

"Yeah I'd love that!" She says.

"Great, we leave in an hour."

45 minutes later she heads to the kitchen to grab something to eat. She sees Sam and Bucky already there with a plate for her. She smiles as she sits down.

"So Buck is coming with us too." Sam says after he takes a bite. She nods smiling at Bucky before finishing her food. They finish in silence while they wait for Damien to show up. Once they're ready they all head out l, walking past the common area.

"Piccolina?" Derek says from the doorway. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going out with Sam, Bucky and-"

"No!" Derek practically yells walking over to grab her arm. She tries to jerk away but he keeps a firm grip on her.

"Derek stop." She says trying to pull back but he just yanks her harder. She whimpers, closing her eyes as memories overwhelm her.

Vincent. Please help me. Vincent. VINCENT!


"Hey!" Bucky yells grabbing Derek by his arm, yanking him away from her. He slams him into the wall. "What do you think you're doing?" He practically snarls at him.

"Nia are you ok?" Sam asks helping her off the floor where she fell. She whimpers nodding softly as Damien walks up to Derek. He yanks him from Bucky's hands pulling him around to face him.

"What is your problem! You fucken know better!" He yells in his face.

"You're just gonna let them take her out the compound without us!"

"I'M GOING WITH THEM!" Damien yells pushing Derek into the wall. "Take your head out your ass!"

"PICCOLINA!" Vincent yells grabbing her into a hug. He quickly lets go when she yells out pushing him away. "Shh it's ok." He speaks softly as he would to a wounded animal as she backs away hands on her head. She whimpers again grabbing her hair harshly as she fights the memories. She hears other voices but blocks them out as she tries to calm herself. She jolts when someone touches her but the soft 3, 2, 1, 3 tapping gets her attention and she slowly calms down. She looks up to see Damien. She sobs grabbing him close as he rocks her back and forth.

"Shhhhhh it's ok little one. It's ok." She finally calms down letting him take her to the kitchen where she wipes her face.

"I hate this." She whispers, her arms holding her up from the counter.

"I know. It takes time."

"I know." She sighs looking at the only person who could possibly understand what she went through. They nod at each other before they head into the common area. Derek is nowhere to be seen but she can hear yelling down the hall. She shivers but Damien's arm around her shoulder grounds her as she tells Sam she's ready to go. He seems hesitant but the four of them head out silently. She sits in the back seat in her own little world as they head into the city. She doesn't take notice that they're pulling up to a large animal shelter.

"Piccolina." Damien whispers softly. She turns to him noticing his hand out, she grabs it gently letting him pull her from the car. She stands looking at the shelter, it's huge with a bunch of land behind it. Sam gives her a quick rundown of the shelter, how it rehabilitates animals abandoned and needed life altering surgeries. Many shelters would send their animals here if they had no more hope. She walks with them looking around and asking questions.

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