She Remembers

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5 weeks later

Closing her eyes Nia focuses on her surroundings, feeling the ground beneath her and the wind ruffling her hair. She tries not to think of the village, focusing on when she was captured.

Opening her eyes she sees in a rose gold box, similar to the cell she was in. It waivers in and out as if it doesn't want to stay. She takes a deep breath trying to focus.

She remembers the time she was strapped to the machine, a needle being plunged into her heart before it slowly stops beating. With a shaky breath the image collapsed making her curse. Taking another deep breath she tries again, picturing the same thing.

" I don't want to die but I don't want to live like this."

She's in the cell again, curled into a ball as she stares blankly. She sees herself sitting with the Avengers, laughing and having a good time.

I just want to feel something

I just want to feel

She sees the children of the island surrounding her, the days she helps at the market, sitting with Luke on the cliff watching the sunset.

I just want to feel something

I just want to feel

Flashes of her hugging Clint, Clint's family, Tony, Sam, Wanda, Bucky, Vincent, Luke and Damien.

Something really real so that I can really feel like a person again.

The magic morph showing her the Avengers angry as she clings to Damien, scared.


She releases a harsh breath falling to her knees.

"Are you ok?" The young one asks.

"No," she whispers.


Nia laughs bitterly. "Because no matter what I'll never have the life I had before."

"You can build another."

"I did."

"No! You accepted another. Build one that includes both families."

"I don't know if I can." Nia whispers softly.

4 Months Later

Vincent watches Nia meet with the last of the kidnapped children, after a lot of talking they all decided they wanted to meet those looking for them, but a majority of them had no plan to leave their families on the island. They were open to keeping communication but the island was their home. A few wanted to see if they and their families could get off the island, which was something they needed to figure out. As Nia continues her rounds Vincent sends a message to Tony and the others, adding videos for them to look at. She was getting better with her magic, memories bringing her comfort now instead of pain. She started sitting down with the children, telling them stories they remembered or talking about the 'Before' as the little ones called it. Vincent was hoping seeing the videos was going to be enough to get the Avengers to stop being so pigheaded. Nia had no idea Vincent and Damien had recorded little moments to share with the Avengers in the past month and a half. If she ever found out she might just kill them.

Across the Pacific

"Mr. Stark, " FRIDAY says. "Vincent says they're ready for the reunion. He also included a few videos."

"What videos did he include?" Tony asks.

"It might be best if everyone sees Mr Stark."

"Tell them to meet in the media room." He says, waiting 15 minutes before he heads that way. Everyone is waiting for him, he quickly explains before having Jarvis start them.

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