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"Tony, you need to be patient." Bruce tells him.

"They said she doesn't want to remember us, why?! Was she miserable with us?"

"Tony, we don't know what she went through."

"But she doesn't remember us." He shakes his head, "what if we counter the frequency of the magic with another magic frequency or energy pulse?"

"Brain waves? You wanna use magical brain waves?"

"Maybe...would it work?"

"I don't know."

"We're hoping to get Nia memories back if we can stimulate some energy pulses that so far our machines can't manage. We're hoping someone has the energy pulse we need." Tony explains a few days later. "Damien, Wanda, Loki, we'd like you to be the ones we monitor since you're the only ones with magic." Vincent shakes his head at Piccolina when she stares at him curiously. She nods her head letting it go as she faces forward again.

"So when everyone is ready we'll meet at the training field."

She walks out of the compound smiling when she sees Sam who waves at her.

"Come on, we have chairs set up."

She easily jumps on his back when he turns around. Laughing when he spins them in a circle. As you get closer to where everyone is, you wave. Steve and James are on a bench with a blanket and pillow on the ground in front of them. Sam drops you the ground groaning dramatically.

"Scoot over." Sam tells James heading towards the bend to sit down.





As a staring contest behind you rolls your eyes. "One of you come sit with me."

She laughs slightly surprised when James grabs the back of Sam's shirt pulling him onto the bench as he stands up heading towards her. She tries to keep her blush in as he sits next to her.

"Better view." He mumbles looking at her. Yup she definitely lost the ability to hide her blush. They haven't talked about the kiss, both unsure what to say or how. There's so much Bucky wanted to tell her, wanted to apologize for but he couldn't. Not now when she struggled to even remember.

Tony claps in the middle of the field drawing everyone's attention. Bruce is off to the side with a bunch of machines set up. Wanda and Loki stand beside him with Damien who fidgets.

"Alright let's get started."

"What do you want us to do?" Wanda asks.

"Use your magic individually, hopefully we can figure out your magical signatures that way and go from there."

"Who wants to go first?" Bruce asks.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Damien says nervously.

"Why not?"

"My magic doesn't work like Wanda or Loki's," he says, fidgeting a bit. Vincent stands next to him putting a calming hand on his shoulder. When everyone stares at him he sighs. "It works better in a fight, or if someone's injured."

"I'll help." She says standing up. "Just like we practiced."

Damien shakes his head rapidly, panic on his face. "No! No! This isn't the island it doesn't work like that!"

"I'm the only one who can help."

"No," he looks behind her to Bucky. "Take her back please."

"Let me help! I'm the only one without powers who can help you!"

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