Part 1 - freedom

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

5 months ago

'We are going to need to check you into a psychiatric hospital for a few weeks so we can monitor you until we can come to a good decision' the doctor sitting across from me spoke.

His words are ringing in my head. Over. And over. And over again. Psychiatric hospital.

'Miss Davies?' His words bring my attention instantly back to life.

'Sorry what did you say?' I ask.

'Would you like us to inform your parents of this arrangement?'

'Uh-' I hesitate 'No no just email me the details for the check in and the location of the hospital and I'll be there.' I answer.

'Sorry Miss Davies but in your case' he gestures towards my bare, exposed arms containing rough red marks, 'we will need to check you in right away' he finishes.

Present Day

Maxine runs at me at top speed and wraps her arms tightly around my neck. 'I'm so so proud of you.' She says while holding me in her arms.

Maxine - or Max as everyone calls her - is my best friend. She's the only person who has stuck by my side while I was in the psychiatric hospital, she visited me at least 2 or 3 times a week, played games with me when I was bored, set up her laptop on my hospital bed so we could watch movies till visiting hours were over and the staff were forced to kick her out. She really is the best.

'Thank you max.' I pull away as I smile at her.

'Okay so I thought we could go get milkshakes?' She suggests.

'You know I could never say no to milkshakes.' 

I give her one more hug and then we both get into her car and head towards the milkshake café in the middle of town.

'What can I get for you ladies?' The waitress asks us.

'I'll just have a vanilla milkshake with cream please.' I offer her a smile. She nods and turns to Max.

'Surprise me.' Max winks at her.

'You still flirt with every girl you encounter?' I jokingly ask. 

'Hell yeah I do.' She laughs.

Max is bisexual and I couldn't be prouder for her when she came out last year by literally running through school with a bisexual flag screaming 'I'm bisexual bitches' over and over. It was one of those moments at school which no one will ever forget.

Even just recalling the moment makes me laugh.

The milkshakes arrive pretty fast and we drink them so fast that when they are gone we are both complaining about how we managed to drink them so fast.

We sit for a bit and catch up. I obviously don't have too much to tell her but she tells me A LOT that she didn't have time to tell me during the visiting hours at the hospital.

'Can we go shopping please?' I ask Max, practically begging her because I have practically no clothes after leaving the psych ward aside from the current pair of light blue jeans and a black long sleeved jumper. And to say it is summer, my current clothes are not exactly the best choice for the weather.

'Girl why ask? You know how much I love shopping. They actually opened a really nice new clothing store a few months ago and it's been so hard for me waiting so long so we could go together! Pleaseeeeee can we go?'

I know she didn't mean it in a bad way but her comment was kind of backhanded. It's one thing knowing how much I missed from the 5 months I spent away from the real world. But it's another thing when people make you feel guilty for it, like because of me she missed out on doing something like shopping. I just brush her comment off.

'Sure.' I plastered a fake smile on my lips.

Then we left the milkshake café and headed to the clothes store.

It's dark by the time I arrive at my uncles house.

'Heya kid! How are ya!' He brings me into a big hug as I walk though the door.

It takes everything in me not to sigh and push him away.

'Great, Uncle Ben I've missed you.' I lie.

'I'm glad, alright I'm heading out kid, I'll see you later.' And just like that he's already out the house and gone. So much for the whole oh I'm so sorry I never came to visit you for the past 5 months or the shall we spend some time together? Uncle of the year, for sure.

My uncle raised me from birth and did a wonderful job of it. But by the time I was about 12 and could look after myself, he began to disappear a lot. He was never around to take me to school, or to hug me when a boy broke my heart, or to take me out to a restaurant on my birthday. It was then that I realised I was more of a burden to him than a gift.

I don't see him as much of an uncle anymore, just a man I have to live with.

I head upstairs to my room. It's exactly how I left it.

My bed is still perfectly made, my posters are still hung on the wall and everything is tidy as if it hasn't even been touched since I left - which it most likely hasn't.

I walk into to my bathroom and again, it's spotless.

It's strange to be back in the house again after spending so long in my psych ward room - and bathroom too small to even be considered a bathroom.

I take my dark hair out of the rough bun I had tied it up in earlier. The hair falls softly down my back. I give it a quick brush through and then make my way to the mirror.

I take a second to take myself in, sharp and defined jawline, dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Along with the odd few freckles spotted over my face.

My lips curl into a frown when I my eyes meet the end of one of the scars on my forearm. I let out a sigh 'guess I'm sleeping in this shirt tonight then' I say to myself. I pull the end of the shirt down to hide my scars, to hide them from myself.

I struggle a lot to sleep in and wear short sleeved shirts. Seeing my own scars is sort of a trigger for me. I would rather hide them.

I climb into bed and pick up my phone once more to turn it off before I go to sleep.

That's when I see a notification.

Hey girl! Party tomorrow, you up for it?!

Knowing Max it is probably some big school party she has managed to somehow gain an invite too. Even though I don't feel too comfortable going to a part the day after I get out of the psychiatric hospital, I decide maybe it's time for me to finally get back to some sense of normality.

I reply back with:
Pick me up at 8.

And with that, I drifted off into a deep sleep.


Hey guys! Author here! Just wanted to say thank you for reading this chapter. I understand that there isn't too much happening at this point but over the next few chapters you get introduced to a few new characters who really add interest to the story, so just bear with it haha.

Anyway thank you for reading!! <33

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