Part 20 - get well soon

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☀︎︎ 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎ 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

I hold the phone to my ear unsure of how to respond to his apology.

He says it again. 'Maya I am so sorry.'

'If you were sorry you would never have pushed me.' I tell him, my heart once again feeling like it is breaking into many small pieces.

'I was angry, it wasn't me. Please, I'm sorry, you have to understand.'

'Understand what? That you pushed me on accident and I should forgive you so we can be friends again at the risk of you hurting me again? Because that is all we are right? Just friends, like you said.'

His end of the call goes quiet but I can still hear the faint sounds of his breathing indicating he is still there.

'Maya, the girl at the party, I didn't even know her till I met her at that party. I like you, I really do.' Are the words he chooses to say.

'If you really liked me, the idea of kissing another girl would never have crossed your mind.'

Again he falls silent.

A moment later he says 'Sorry.' Before I even get a chance to speak back, he hangs up.

My hands are now shaky now that I recall what I just said to him. I did the right thing right? But my heart is hurting so much.

I can feel the tears forming quickly in my eyes and as soon as one falls, I wipe it away. Heading towards the door, I pray that Max and the guys have gone, but they are still there.

'Hey where you going?' Noah asks while turning all the attention onto me.

'Just for a walk.' I say, without meeting any of their eyes, I walk out of the front door. I don't know where I'm going but I just need the fresh air. But before I can even leave the driveway I hear the door re-open from behind me. I freeze and when I try to take another step I hear Noah's voice.

'Hey Maya wait up!' He shouts.

When he reaches me he is still putting on his black leather jacket over his tank-top. 'Where you headed?'

'I don't really really know.'

'Hop in the truck.' He nods over to the truck and I obey him.

Ten minutes later of awkward silence, the radio being the only thing to break the silence, we pull into a parking space and get out.

My tears have just about dried up at this point but I still feel hurt. Is this heart break? I mean I hardly knew Greyson but why does it hurt so much that I have now pushed him away? I keep trying to decide If I made the right choice or not. But I just don't know.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by Noah's voice.

'After you.' He says.

I can't believe I didn't notice before when I got out his truck. He has bought me to a bookstore.

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