Part 16 - confidence

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☀︎︎ Maya ☀︎

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☀︎︎ Maya ☀︎

I have to stop to be able to take it all in, the house is stunning.

'Nice right?' Seb asks me.

I just nod and hum 'mhm.'

I look around the rest of the house downstairs. They have a large living room with multiple sofas, a beautifully tiled kitchen, a spotlessly clean bathroom and then also a door which leads down to a basement which has a pool table and just another few sofas along with a TV.

The three of them follow me around just chatting to eachother while I explore their house.

There are framed drawings all around the house, the artist is incredibly good at drawing.

My favourite part is probably the pool in the back garden.

When I finally make it upstairs after I have toured the bottom floor, I am shown to the guest bedroom which is stunning. It's like one of those bedrooms you dream of having as a teenager, spacious, nicely decorated, just perfect in every way possible.

Noah disappeared halfway through my upstairs tour because he said he needed to go clean his face. What he meant by that was: I need to go clean mine and your uncles blood off my face.

I still feel so awkward here. 'I can't stay here.' I tell Drix and Seb.

'Feel free to walk out the door but I would rather you didn't. Plus Noah would probably drag you back here.' Drix says.

'You're not going home Maya.' Noah walks out of the upstairs batroom and meets us in the middle of the hallway. 'I don't care if you throw a tantrum, beg me to take you back. I will not let you go back to that house with that guy in there.'

I fall into silence unknown to what I should reply to that.

'So pizza? Who wants pizza?' Drix steps between me and Noah trying to break the tension between us all.

But there is one question that wont leave my mind, so I ask it.



'Why were you at my house tonight?'

He looks like he is trying to find the words to say but when I think he is about to answer me, he doesnt.

So Seb answers me instead. 'Noah said you were acting weird this morning, that you were ignoring him and just didn't seem yourself. And Drix said he saw you in the hallway and you really didn't look fine. We came to check on you.'

'Why?' I ask.

'Why what?' Seb asks.

'Why did you come to check on me?'

'Because we care about you.' He says and Noah and Drixen nod his comment.

'But I only met you and Drix yesterday and my friendship with Noah has only existed since like two days ago.' I fire back at him.

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