Part 8 - Infinite

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

My alarm clock goes off waking me from my sleep at 8AM. I glance over to it and see it's Friday.

I sigh realising I don't even have classes at school today.

I sit up and rub my eyes. I feel a lot better today, less tired than I have been for the past week.

Then I remember Noah. He was in my room last night. Again. But I don't remember anything that happened. Can't have been anything important if I don't remember.

Grabbing my phone from my bedside table i scroll through my notifications. Then I see a text from someone.

Hey it's grey from your support group, wondered if you was up for going out to get coffee or something? Let me know if your free :)

I take a second to think through my schedule. Nope I'm free all day. My only plans were to lounge around the house all day and watch Netflix.

I type back:
Hey greyson! Yeah how about the coffee shop down the road from the support group? Meet you there in an hour? I passed it on the way to our last session and it looked really nice there. ☕️

Almost instantly I see the little 3 dots indicating he is already typing back.


I get changed into a cute sweater dress:

I get changed into a cute sweater dress:

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And then I walk down the the cafe.

I don't have a car, and uncle Ben is rarely around with his. So i have to usually walk or take the bus when I need to get around. So I suppose It's good
I live near the centre of town, near everywhere I need to go.

I reach the cafe and it's beautiful, there are walls made of wooden planks, the lights are very interestingly styled with crystals and various other bits and pieces. The booths are a cream colour matching the theme of the room. And the counter with all of the cakes looks delicious.

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