Part 21 - locked away

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☀︎︎ 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎ 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

Like I expected, the whispering comes first, echoing quietly down the hallway. Then the subtle glances people give us which we notice. And lastly the silence which is followed by people scattering the hallway at the sound of the bell.

'Come on Maya.' Noah says reminding me we have history class together now.

'See you later M.' Drixen says. He nods at me and then Seb waves as they both leave and walk to their first class.

Once we are in class we find our seats at the back of the class, me sitting in the corner away from everyone else. Noah is sitting on the desk beside me.

'Quiet down class.' The teacher speaks from the front. But I am already quiet.

'Welcome back Maya, we have missed you.' He sends me a friendly, genuine smile. The class all turns to look at me but I don't mind it because one of my teachers actually realised I wasn't at school and that surprises me.

'Happy to be back sir.'

He then turns his attention back towards the class.
'Alright then class. I've got your results from the group projects. Just chat among yourselves while I bring them round.'

Everyone starts talking to eachother and when I glance over at Noah it takes me a minute to see what he's doing. He's drawing.

'You draw?' I ask surprised.

'Ever since I was a kid. The framed drawings in the house are drawn by me.' He responds while still drawing on the paper infront of him.

I think my jaw visibly drops to the ground because he gives me a strange look before saying: 'I just continue to surprise you don't I?'

Noah draws? Like wow. Yeah he really surprised me with that one.

'Yeah. Every time I think I know most things about you, you manage to surprise me with something else.' I tell him.

'What can I say, I'm full of surprises.' He winks at me.

Our conversation is interrupted by the teacher who has finally made it to the back of the class with our grades.

'So how bad did we do?' Noah asks jokingly.

The teacher bends down to our level and crouches inbetween our desks.

'Don't tell anyone else in the class' he whispers 'but you guys did the best.' He puts our mark sheets on the desk. We scored 94%.

I look over to the teacher and then to Noah. He is visibly as shocked as I am.

The teacher stands, taps on the desk as if he's going
leave but first he says, 'You guys make a great team. Good job.' And then he walks away to carry on handing out the results.

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