Part 14 - new friends

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I stare at his email for what feels like hours.


Then another email pops up:

So what's your answer Davies?

What's with him calling me by my last name? I actually do kind of like it though.

Truthfully, after my 'mini speech' to him in the classroom, I never expected him to actually want to be friends. I mean I said it because it just felt like the right thing to say in the moment. I can't see why I would decline his offer to be friends though now. Declining his offer would make me look stupid and considering Max and Greyson are my only friends, I need more friends. My fingers type out an email back to him:

Sure thing Dalton.

He replies almost instantly with another email:

Hey only I can call you by your last name, not the other way round. It's kinda hard to talk through email don't you think? Here's my number.

I add him to my contacts and send him a text message saying

'Hey it's Maya.'

The little dots pop up indicating he is typing and I can't help but realise that I'm smiling.

'Hi Davies, wassup?'

It took me a moment to realise what 'wassup' means but I figure it out.

I really want to talk to him but my body is so exhausted that if I don't go to sleep now, I'll pass out soon anyway.

'Not much, im tired so gonna sleep now. Have a good night.'

He just reads my message but doesn't reply.


The next day at school I meet Max before school starts, we hang out for a bit and she introduces me to her girlfriend Lia - who is actually way nicer than I expected. Then I had to get though my painfully boring chemistry, biology and physics classes. Triple science, it was the worst.

Here I am now, sitting alone in the dining hall at an empty table.

Usually I sit with Max to eat my lunch but she is out at a dentist appointment right now, so instead I'm sitting here with my earphones in my ears practically blasting music into my ears to drown out the voices of the people sitting around me with their friends.

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