Part 17 - betrayal

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☀︎︎ Maya ☀︎

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☀︎︎ Maya ☀︎

You know that feeling when you are young and you experience something new and you feel like nothing else matters in that moment? That's how I feel now.

My phone is sitting on the poolside while it blasts out summery songs. I think I must've been in this pool for at least an hour already because my skin is starting to go wrinkly but I don't mind that, I'm having so much fun.

When I got in I sorta almost drowned because I forgot how to swim but I managed to figure it out.

I started by just swimming some lengths of the pool. Then I grabbed one of my books and read for a while on the pool side with my legs dangling in the warm water.

Now I am laying on my back on the surface of the water like a starfish, just taking in the sun and the peaceful sounds around me of the wind and the birds singing to each other.

I don't know how long I've been out here but the guys aren't back yet and by the looks of it the sun is going to set soon.

Even though I don't want to get out of the pool, I think I may turn into a fish if i stay in here any longer so I use my arms to lift myself out of the water. Using my hands I squeeze the water out of my hair and the shirt to make sure I don't get water everywhere when I walk back inside like this.

When I start walking back to the back door I look down at the shirt and notice that the water has made my bra completely visible though it. I laugh, it looks funny.

I open the door but as soon as I take a step inside I hear the front door open too along with footsteps which sound like they are coming my way.

'Maya you home?' Noah shouts through the house.

Home? It feels weird calling it my home but the idea brings a smile to my face.

'Yeah in here.' I shout back.

I'm sort of tucked away in the kitchen when I realise they can't see me like this, my visible bra, wet hair, scarred arms and bruised legs.

Their footsteps sound only metres away and the first thing I think of to shout to stop them is 'I'm naked!'

Instantly I regret those words as the sounds of their footfalls fall to silence.

'Sorry repeat that please.' Seb laughs through his words.

'I-Im naked.' I say nervously this time.

'Well..' Noah says awkwardly from where I can't see.

They all laugh simultaniouly and I join in. They have a way of turning any situation into something better and I love it.

'Okay well unless you all want to see me naked, I'm going upstairs to put on some clothes.'

'Well I mean I wouldn't mind see-' Drix starts but Noah cuts him off.

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