Part 26 - exams

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☀︎︎ Maya ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎ Maya ☀︎︎

It's been almost three months since Noah asked me to be his girlfriend and i haven't even spent a single second regretting saying yes.

Every weekend he has been taking me on surprise dates, treating me to nice food, buying me jewellery, just doing the little things to make me happy and I have loved every second of it.

We spent the whole summer together, with Drixen and Seb too, we went to the beach and they taught me how to surf. We went to parties, to fancy resturants, to theme parks, to watch sunrises and then sunsets. You name it, we did it.

It's safe to say it has been the best summer of my life. Actually it has been the best year of my life. 

But summer came to an end and now we are back in school for exam season and my nerves are higher than ever.

'You ready for today?' Seb asks me as he walks into the kitchen. Today we start our exams at school.

I'm sat at the table eating my co-co pops, he goes to make himself a bowl of rice-crispies.

'Honestly I don't think I will make it out alive.' I say dramatically.

We both laugh and then Drixen makes his way into the room. 'You are the smartest one here by a long shot, and you have been working yourself like crazy to revise for these exams. You are gonna ace them.'

'I hope so.'

Noah finally enters the room and I go to scoop myself another spoon of cereal.

He walks past me, gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and then goes to make himself some toast.

'Everyone ready for exams?' Noah asks.

All of us look at eachother and in unison shake our heads.

I check my phone and see the time is 8:45am.

'Shit guys we're gonna be late.' I tell them, taking my bowl over to the sink to quickly wash it.

'Noah bring your toast in the truck with you, you can eat it on the way.' Seb tells him.

Noah gives Seb a look that could kill.

'Okay okay don't look at me like you're about to eat me alive. Just eat your toast fast and then come get in the truck with us.'

Noah rolls his eyes and Seb and Drixen head outside to the car.

As I'm about to follow them I hear Noah.


I turn to him and as soon as he sees my face he can see I'm stressed.

'Come here love.' He holds his arms out to me and I walk straight into them.

'Is it the exams?' He asks, still holding me tightly.

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