Part 12 - kiss

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

'Keep your eyes closed for a little longer, nearly there now.' Greyson says from beside me.

He made me close my eyes for the remaining 10 minutes of the journey because as he stated: he wanted to surprise me.

Keeping my eyes locked shut, I hear Greyson get out of the car and a moment later he opens my door and helps me out of his car.

He guides me, I nearly fall a few times but he caught me and helped me walk steadily again.

'You can open you're eyes in 3.. 2.. 1..' He whispers into my ear.

My eyes are overwhelmed by the sight in front of me. Red, orange and yellow blending together with hints of pink. The sunset. It is the prettiest sunset I have ever seen.

He brought me to the beach.

The sky is portraying a breath-taking sunset while the water splashes over our feet as we look off into the distance.

My mind isn't able to come up with words good enough to express to Greyson how happy I am that he brought me here.

So instead of giving him my thanks verbally, I turn towards him and practically jump into his arms. He clearly didn't expect that because for a moment he just stands still while I had my arms around him. As soon as his brain caught up to my actions, he brings his arms tightly around me and holds me close almost as if this is the last time I will ever see him.

Greyson breaks the silence by saying 'You're welcome.' He knew that hug meant a thank you. That's what I love so much about Greyson, he always knows what I mean without me having to say a word.

I go to pull away from him so I can take in the rest of the sunset before it fully sets but I trip and send us both falling towards the wet sand beneath us.

Once we hit the floor, he has his back laying on the sand and I am laying on top of him.

Then a second later we both burst out laughing.

We manage to contain our laughter, that's when i notice he is now looking at me in a way I've never seen before.

Before my mind can work out what he's thinking, he lifts his head slightly, his eyes now drawn to my lips. The heat of his breath on my cheek is driving me crazy.

His eyes seem to be asking for permission. I smile and nod at him.

That is all the permission he needed. He uses his hand to tilt my chin up to him so my lips are closer to his. Then he softly begins to kiss me. His hand makes its way to my cheek and his other around my waist. His lips on mine still, I can't help but smile. This feels so right.

The kiss is gentle, as if he is trying not to hurt me even though he knows he wont. He is in contol, guiding me, showing me how to kiss him. Our lips stay connected for a few more minutes until we are both out of breath.

Slowly we pull away from eachother, allowing our lungs to catch up with what just happened.

'Wow.' He says with a smile dancing across his lips.

'Yeah wow.' I laugh softly.

'You're perfect.' He whispers into my ear. The phrase sends shivers down my spine. I know i'm not perfect but i'll accept his words for now.

He then looks around and seems to remember that we are literally laying on the beach, our bodies touching as the sun sets behind us.

I slide my body off of his and then I am laying on the sand beside him with my back against the sand.

'You know your shirt will get ruined if you lay there too long right?' He turns his head to look at me waiting for an answer.

'I can replace my shirt, buy another. But this memory cannot be replaced.'

He smiles at my comment.

We lay there until the sun finally sets and all we are left with is darkness.


Greyson kissed me.

We kissed.

That happened.

I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that tonight was real. It all happened. Today has been one of the best days I've had in a long time.

I pull my mind out of its current loop of happiness remembering that I have actual work to do.

My alarm clock tells me that it's now 1:24am. I have to get up for school at 6:30.

Opening laptop and starting it up, I load up Noah's work again and spend the next few hours combining our work together so we can present our project together tomorrow. Or well today I guess you would say since now it's 3:00am now.

I send Noah a short email:
Here's the work:
document attached

Then I close my laptop lid and get into bed.

My body falls into sleep while my mind keeps replaying the kiss I shared with Greyson on the beach.

Hey guys! I'm sorry this part is sort of short! But I've been super busy the past few days and didn't have a lot of time to write. I'll make up for it and try make the next part longer than usual!

But Maya and Greyson finally kissed? What are your thoughts on that?

Team Noah or Team Greyson?

I'll try to write the next part soon and publish it either tomorrow or the day after :)

Thank you for reading!

Published: 25/8/21

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