Part 3 - confused

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

I make my way back over to max and she notices the look on my face and says 'what's up?' looking slightly concerned.

'Nothing I'm just tired!' I lie and shrug it off like it's nothing.

She doesn't suspect anything and just puts another drink into my hands 'here drink this, I've been drinking it all night and you have to try it.'

I politely decline, I don't know if it's the whole 'kitchen encounter with hot guy' thing but suddenly my mood has dropped and i don't feel like drinking anything else.

'No no it's okay Max thank you though, I'm just gonna go get some fresh air. I'll come find you later.' I say. She just nods and then walks away before engaging in another conversation a second later.

I make my way to what I presume to be the garden. There is the massive pool which is fairly quiet beside the couple of people just gossiping on the edge of the pool with their feet dangling in the water.

There is a bench at the far side of the garden and I make my way over to it, far away from the loud music, the people, the party.

I thought I would be able to adjust back to real life quickly but it appears I was wrong.

Sitting on the bench, i close my eyes for a second just to take in the peace of my surroundings.

But that peace doesn't last for long, my eyes fling open when I hear a sudden 'I didn't know princesses liked to sit alone?'

'Please go away, I'm trying to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet and you are neither of those things.'

I close my eyes again thinking he has retreated back to the house but all of a sudden the bench moves a little as he takes a seat next to me.

I'm about to make a comment to tell him to go away but as if he's read my mind, he says 'I'm not going to say anything, just gonna sit here. Yep, enjoying the peace and quiet. So fun.'

To that I don't even respond. I just need a moment.

My mind is going though all of the things I've been worrying about on repeat.

But I'm pulled away from that when I feel something pull gently at my hair.

'Your hair is nice' he says.

'Uh thanks I guess?'

'Will you open those eyes and look at me please.' He says sounding a lot more serious, the sarcasm wiped from his tone.

I slowly open my eyes but I struggle a bit, I'm only now realising how tired I am.

'Tired huh?' He can see right through me.

'Mhm' i hum 'okay now what do you want?'

I make eye contact with him and wow he really is beautiful. All of his features tailored to perfection.

'Nothing really, I'm just playing with you. As much as I may seem to my lying when I say this, sometimes parties are a little bit too much for me too.'

'It didn't seem that way when you were almost having sex with a girl infront of 100 people.'

'That was a dare.'

'Yeah right.' I laugh.

Before he can say anything my phone bings.

Heeeeeyyyyy girllllll, I'm in a taxiiii on my way homeee I'm sorry I left youuuu.

It's safe to say I think she's a bit drunk, just a bit.

All good don't worry, gonna make my way home soon anyway.

'Need a ride home?' The guy next to me asks.

'Ah so you are a stalker, knew it.'

'Just a tad bit drunk, I probably won't remember you tomorrow anyway.'

'I'll get a taxi, I'd rather not ride with you. Wouldn't wanna risk the chances of you murdering me and then burying my body in the woods.' I smile at him in a way that's not meant to come off as friendly.

'Well firstly I can promise I'm not going to do that. I will even pinkie-swear it. And secondly I need a reason to get away from this party and you would be giving me the perfect chance so yeah.'

'Okay fine but only because I'm too tired to argue with you.'

We walk to his car, which by the way is a VERY expensive looking car. Ive never seen this type of car before but wow it is a masterpiece.

I give him my address and hop into the passengers seat next to him. Before I know it I'm already struggling to keep my eyes open.


'Wake up'

And with that my eyes flutter open again. And I see we have arrived at my house.

'Alright come on.'

'It's okay dude I think I can make it to the front door myself.' I tell him.

'Better to be safe than sorry, let's go.' And with that, he's already out of the car and striding up to the front door. He gives the handle a nudge and the door opens easily. I forgot to lock it. Ugh.

I make my way over to him but when I get to the door he's already in the house.

'Where are you?' I shout through the house.

'Up here.'

I follow the sound to my bedroom.

'You have a nice room.'

I then look around and notice a bra from yesterday and my underwear on the floor and his eyes are looking right at them before he moves them away pretending not to see them.

This is the first guy that has ever stepped foot in my room before and it it so awkward.

He stands there for a moment, looking around my room, taking everything in.

Then he says 'okay i'm off' in a cold tone, no emotion shown. And just like that he walks out and a moment later i hear his car pull away from the house.

It's as if within a few seconds, his whole mood changed.

What just happened? I don't even know. But whatever that was, he clearly wasn't as interested in me as I thought.

And with that I go to the bathroom and get changed into my hoodie because i mean, hoodies are superior for sleeping in.

I set my alarm ready for the next day, that's when i realise I have school tomorrow. for the first time in 5 months, i have school.

This isn't going to go well.

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