Part 10 - mixed signals

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

Girlfriend? She never even told me she had her eyes on anyone.

I feel a sudden sting in my chest. I see it in her eyes too that she is also struggling to find the words to say.

'Oh.' is all I can come up with.

'I'm so sorry Maya. I was going to tell you I swear!' She suddenly blurts out drawing all the attention towards us.

But her words begin to drift through one ear and out of the other.

'Sorry I gotta go' I force a smile before finishing 'i'll see you around.'

I expected her to follow me, to call my name, to apologise again. But she doesn't. And I walk away clenching my stomach at a feeling I don't think I have ever felt before. Betrayal.

Sure it may seem like no big deal. But she is my best friend. She has always told me every detail of her life. Every detail. So why keep this from me?

I can tell my heart rate is quickening by the second and my breathing is becoming a bit shaky. My skin breaks out a cold sweat on my neck. A panic attack? An anxiety attack? I don't know what's happening to me.

My eyes trail my way down the lockers till I see mine, I cross the hallway and open up the locker.

My hands are starting to become a bit shaky but I still manage to reach into my locker and grab the little pot containing my benzodiazepines pills. My doctor prescribed it to me after I got out of the hospital so that if I was ever in a situation like this I could just pop a couple of pills and it would relieve the stress.

I take a quick glance around to check no one is watching me and then I attempt to open the pill container. Trying as hard as I can, my hands won't stop shaking and I can't get a proper grip on the lid.

A couple of tears of frustration start to form in my eyes but its no use, my hands are denying my access container.

Out of no where a hand brushes past mine and gently takes the pill container out of it.

My eyes are blurring my vision with my tears and I can't see properly what is happening but a moment later the pill container is placed back in my hand and a warm hand squeezes mine tightly to ensure I dont drop the contents in my hand.

A deep familiar voice says 'here' as he helps me tip out a couple of the pills in my hand.

It's Noah.

I raise my eyes to his and I see a glimpse of concern in his eyes and then it vanishes. I look back down to the pills in my hand and look back up when something nudges my arm. He is offering me water.

As much as I want to drink the water, a memory crosses my mind. The night from the party when he had drugged a drink and i nearly drank it.

Is this water safe to drink?

I put my own mental health aside for a moment as I ask him 'why did you drug that drink at the party where I met you?'

'Just drink the water and take the pills.'

'Tell me.' I say trying to control my inconsistent breathing.

He sighs. He makes eye contact with me and doesn't break the connection between us as he says 'my friend Sebastian got raped a few weeks ago by a girl.'

He takes in another deep breath. 'I spiked her drink with something that would cause her to just feel really ill for a few days. Sure it's not that harsh but she would've deserved it after what she did to my friend. But then..'

'I came along.' I finish his sentence for him.

I cannot imagine what his friend had to go though. I guess I feel a little better now knowing he had a sort of moral reason for the drink situation.

He nods. 'The water is safe to drink' he gestures to the bottle in my hand.

I unscrew the lid, place the two pills on my tongue and then take a big gulp of water before swallowing them down.

I'm unsure of how long it usually takes for them to work but my hands stop trembling every so slightly and my breathing rate becomes less out of sync.

I dont even think before I look up at Noah and say 'thank you, thank you so much.'

I put the pill container back in my locker while giving myself a mental note to get a better container.

Then I turn to walk away assuming mine and Noah's conversation ended there.

But just like the last time we were in this hallway together, he grabs my wrist forcing me to turn around and meet his eyes.

'Are you okay?' He speaks softly in a way which I've never heard from him before.

'Yeah' i respond actually feeling a lot better. I pull my hand up to my eyes and wipe the remaining tears away before they leave marks on my cheeks.

I then look down to see Noah's hand still holding onto my wrist and when he looks down to see where i'm looking he instantly drops his hand back to his side.

'Good.' Any part of softness in the way he speaks is now non-existent and as is he, already walking down the hall towards the big exit doors at the end.

Good. That's it? What does that even mean? Noah is so unreadable most of the time.

He is constantly giving me mixed signals and it's driving me crazy.

I try to forget that little moment happened just then. I look up at the hallways and notice they are completely empty. Looking down at my watch I see that I'm late to my physics class.

'Shit' I say before speed walking down the halls towards my physics class.
Hey guys! Ahhhh i'm so so so sorry that this chapter is so short 😅 i tried to continue it but i just felt like
i had found a good place to end it where it was.

So finally we see an unexpected side of Noah. A sweet side of him. Maybe for only a second but there may be more of that in the future 😉

Also I apologise if the whole 'Noah helps Maya' scene was a little bit cringe/ badly written. i tried my best to make it sound realistic but i struggled a little 😅

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

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