Part 2 - stranger?

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

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☀︎︎𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑎 ☀︎︎

I wake up and light is already pouring through my blinds.

Looking over to my alarm clock - which I managed to sleep through - I see it is 3:17pm.

I take a second to rub my eyes thinking I'm reading it wrong.

But nope I really just slept 15 hours.

For the next 15 minutes I go through my morning routine- well in this case, afternoon routine - which consists of pretty much throwing on some random clothes, brushing my teeth, and then getting breakfast if I feel like it.

Showering isn't a part of my morning routine because i prefer showering at night instead.

Uncle Ben still hasn't come home, as I expected. He's probably in some woman's bed doing god knows what.

I jump onto the sofa downstairs with my late lunch which I've chosen to be a bowl of my favourite cereal - coco pops.

Netflix comes on as soon as i turn the TV on and the first show that pops up is 'Outer Banks'. I've heard Max go on about it so much it's like she has an obsession with it.

So I hit play and start the first episode.

4 hours later

* knock knock*

I pause Outer Banks and stroll to the door. Opening it I see a very well dressed Max in a dark blue sparkly dress which exposes her breasts quite a bit. She's wearing heels so high I'm pretty sure she appears to be taller than me. And make-up is covering every inch of her face. But needless to say, she looks stunning.

'You're not ready.' She says more like a statement than a question, 'it's 8pm.' She continues.

'Well, I may or may not have spent the past 4 hours watching outer banks..' and instantly she smiles.

We then get into a conversation about what a dick Ward Is and how we think JJ is by far the hottest character in the series.

We leave the house at 8:30. Still wearing my long jeans and a new long sleeved thin jumper I bought yesterday, i had to convince max that we 'didn't have enough time to doll me up' but really I just wouldn't feel comfortable wearing a dress infront of everyone at the party.

'Here we areeeee!' Max shouts over the music blurting out of the front door.

We are at a big three-story house. The front garden is massive and people are scattered around outside drinking beer and smoking.

We approach the front door and push it open. The sight I take in is nothing like I've ever seen before.

Sure I've been to the odd party here and there. But this is a whole different level of party.

Every room is crowded with people dancing. There are three tables covered with bottles of alcohol. Colourful lights everywhere.


I don't know who's house were at, but he/ she must be rich.

My eyes drift around the room until they lock onto a guy making out with a girl, he's practically stripped her naked almost and they are making out on the sofa in front of at least 100 people.

I wish I had confidence like that.

Before I know it I'm being dragged away by max and towards a shit ton of alcohol.

'Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol' she chants cheerfully.

Time to finally take my mind off of the events of the past 5 months. I pour myself a gin and tonic and max does the same.

An hour of dancing goes by and Max says she has to go over and just chat to someone. So I wave her off and awkwardly stand around.

I decide to go over and throw my empty cup away.

'Hey watch where you're going!' a guy shouts as I accidentally brush past his shoulder.

'I'm sorry!' I mumble under my breath and carry on.

I reach the kitchen and see a bunch of glasses which look like they have been pre-filled with cocktails.

Already slightly tipsy I grab one of the pre-filled glasses.

I lift the glass to my lips but before I know it the glass is slapped out of my hand and crashing to the ground causing it to smash.

'Don't drink that' a voice says from next to me.

Anger begins to boil through my veins as I look up meeting the gorgeous eyes of the idiot who smashed my glass. 'Well how am I meant to drink it when it's now all over the floor?!' I shout at him.

'That sounds like a you problem.' He simply responds with.

Taking a second to properly look at him. I notice he is the guy from before who was making out with the girl on the sofa. Except now he is fully dressed.

His skin is slightly tanned indicating he probably spends a lot of time under the sun. His eyes have a deep look to them, dark eyes which I can hardly make out the colour of from this distance. A smile stretches across his lips and it knocks me out my trance. His smile is beautiful though.

Despite him being about my age, he has tattoos snaking all the way up his neck, the shapes I can't make out, but they suit him for sure.

'It's a lot to take in I know.' He brags to me.

I laugh, 'you are nothing compared to some of the guys I've met'.

That's not entirely true, this man is probably one of the hottest guys I've ever laid eyes on,  but a little lie to mess with his head isn't the worst thing I could do.

'Haha nice joke princess.' He sarcastically laughs while raising an eye brow at me to see my response.

'If I'm a princess then what does that make you?'

'A king' he responses with way too much confidence.

'Right okay you keep telling yourself that.' I wink at him and turn to go but before I fully walk out of the kitchen I turn and say 'why did you tell me not to drink that drink?'

'It was drugged.' His expression has now dropped and he just looks stone-cold.

'How would you know that?'

'I drugged it' and just like that he smiles a cheeky smile at me and then walks off leaving me with what I think must be butterflies in my stomach but I'm not sure.

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