Part 22 - battle scars

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☁︎︎ Noah ☁︎︎

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☁︎︎ Noah ☁︎︎

'I'm sorry.' she whispers, tears beginning to fall from her eyes again.

I give her a confused look. 'What are you sorry for?'

'That you have to see me like this!' The words come out of her mouth louder than expected but I don't flinch or move away from her.

'Maya, if If I see you at your best, that's like knowing half of you. When I see you at your worst, it hurts me but it helps me to understand the other half of you. To know you at your best also means knowing you at your worst.'

'But how can you possibly know what I'm thinking right now?' Her sobs begin to get louder again and I try to shush her gently to calm her down.

The truth is, I don't know what is going on inside that head of hers. I wish I could understand the demons shes righting in there, the pain she is facing, the thoughts she bottles up till' they eventually consume her.

And it scares me that I will never be able to understand it all, only parts of it. The Maya I knew a few days ago showed no signs of pain. But I suppose we all secretly have out own battles with our mind.

From the day I met her in that history class she has changed me. Little by little she has moulded me into a better person, a better version of myself. I hope that one day she can thank me for saving her, just like she saved me.

'I don't know what you're thinking and it scares me. It scares me because all I want to do now is stop your crying and make you smile but not one part of me knows how to do that without knowing what you are going through Maya. Seeing you in pain hurts me so fucking much. All I want to do is help you.' The words run out of my mouth barely letting me take breaths in between.

She moves her eyes from the floor and connects them with mine, but she doesn't speak.

'These,' I slowly run my finger across one of her scars, 'are fucking beautiful.'

Before she can object, I carry on.

'Maya you are beautiful beyond perfection. You are strong. You are brave. You are funny. You are sweet. You are incredible. Look at yourself,' I nod down towards the scars on her arm and she slowly glances down at them before meeting my gaze again, 'those scars are beautiful. Do you know why?' I ask her.

She wipes a tear from her already tear-stricken face before she shakes her head.

'Because every time you decided to do that to yourself, you didn't go further, you didn't end your life. You decided to carry on living even when you thought you couldn't manage it. Those scars right there,' I gesture to them again, 'show the battles you won against yourself. They are your battle-scars and you shouldn't be ashamed of them. And you know what? I am so proud of you for making it to where you are today because you are a fighter and If I can see that, anyone can.'

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