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The ferry finally arrived to Charleston and we were already driving to the address in the letter. Kie was sitting in the passenger seat, re-readin the letter again and again as Pope drove. I was sutting behind, with JJ laying on my legs.

"Guys, I've read this thing like a thousend times. It makes no sense" Kie said. "I mean, the Limbreys own, like, half of Charleston. What do the Kook kings of Charleston jnow about a murderer of Kildare Island?" She asked.

"Why you specifically? That's the creepy thing" JJ said sitting down.

"Please come alone. That's hella sus" I said from the back, agreeing with Kie and Pope.

"I was thinking the same thing. I think it's because—" Pope startes saying, but got interrupted by some hissing. We all look at the front of the car and saw some steame comeing out. "Oh, come on!" Pope said angrily.

"Pull over. That's a lot of smoke, even for your dad's truck" I said to Pope.

"Pope, I've got sensitive lungs man" JJ said coughing. Suddenly, the car started going faster and faster, and Pope couldn't pull over.

"What the hell is happening?" Kie asked. Out of nowhere, the car finally stopped, and I didn't think the engine was gonna start again.

"Shit" I said to myself as we all got off the car.

"It's gonna blow up. It's gonna blow up!" Kie said fast as she got away from the car.

"It's not gonna blow up. You probably unhooked the radiator Pope" JJ said as the teo boys went and checked what was wrong.

"You might wanna reschedule you meeting tonight" I said looking at the mess of the truck.

"Uh, plan B? We could, um... public transportation. We could hitchhike. We could rent bikes" Kie startes saying.

"My dad's gonna kill me" Pope said staring blankly at the radiator of the car.

"Yeah, he might. He might" JJ agreed.

We walked until nightime to find a place to fix the truck. Pope was talking to the mechanic as JJ, Kie and I waited.

"Hey Kie, what's wrong?" I asked her when I noticed that she was down. "You all right?"

"My mom is so worried that I'm gonna be a Pogue that she's willing to send me to boarding school" She said sadly.

"Well, I guess that's what you get for hanging out with the wrong crowd, Kie" JJ joined the conversation.

"I mean, I'm not gonna go. It's too late anyway. I already know who I am" She smiled and I walked up to her.

"Ain't that bad" I smiled.

"Yeah" JJ agreed. "Just look at that guy over there" He ponited at Pope. "He would do anything for us. That's a Pogue if I've ever seen one" We all looked at Pope trying to fix the truck. Kiara and I smiled. "That's a man's opinion, though"

After a while, the truck was finally fixed, and the worst part came. Paying.

"Three-seventy? Are you serious?" Pope asked when the mechanic gave him the price.

"Well, yeah mate" The man said.

"Kie, are you aure your pearents are okay with paying this?" Pope asked her.

"No. Hell no. But I'm already a day late, and they can only kill me once, right?" She said.

"That's the spirit" I said happily.

We decided to make a stop to sleep in a random area without houses around. We opened the back of the truck and we all layed down. They boys were already asleep, but Kie and I were sitting down in silence.

I walked towards my bag and grabbed a Flask with vodka. I show it to Kie with a smile on my face.

"Want some?" I asked before taking a sip

"Didn't you tell JJ today that you were gonna stop?" Kie asked, looking at me.

"Well, yeah, but it is one step at a time" I said. "Besides, we have plenty of things to down before continuing with tomorrow" I added, handing her the flask. She looked at me before accepting.

"Salud" She said before taking a sip. "On a more serious note, how are you and JJ holding up?" She asked.

"I don't know. It's kind of weird, I mean, we are fighting a lot more, and it just doesn't feel the same, you know?" I explained.

"Are you gonna, like, end...?" She started asking.

"No" I said quickly. "I love him. We just have to comunicate some more. That's all" I said, trying to convince her and myself.

"Whatever you say" She said. "Well, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight" She said. She implanted a kiss on Pope's cheek before laying down. I smiled before laying down on top of JJ. I felt his arms wrapping around me before closing my eyes.


The next morning, we decided to head to the cuty pretty early. We were crossing the bridge that led to the city, and I was starting to get more nervous every mile closer.

"I wonder where John B and Sarah are doing right now" I said looking out the window, staring at the water below us.

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry this chapter was short. I promise the next ones are gonna be longer. Love you all <3

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