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Hope's POV

I put on one of the red silk dress and layed down on the bed.

A sudden knock made me jump. The housekeeper opened the door, and I quickly stood up.

"He's ready" She informed me. I quickly followed her down the stairs and into the dining room.

I walked in nervously, and found a man turned around, pourring himself a drink.

"Uh, excuse me?" I talked nervously.

The man suddenly turned around.

My face dropped to the floor when I saw Rafe Cameron in front of me. He was wearing a grey suit, and he looked suprised to see me.

"I fucking knew you and Ward we're behind this shit" I walked to him angrily.

"What are you talking about?" He did the same. "You trying to weasle in on my deal right now? It's that what's going on?"

"I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know" A voice with a strong accent made us both look to our right. A man was turned around, starting out the window in the room beside us.

He chuckled as he turned around, walking closer to us.

"Who are you?" Rafe asked him.

"Me?" The man said quietly. "My name is Carlos Singh. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron" He pointed at Rafe. "And Ms. Foster, I do apologise for the raugh tactics in bringing you here. But please, come. Sit down" I stayed still, not knowing what to do. "Come now. I don't bite" Singh insisted.

I looked at Rafe before following Singh into the living room.

"Raugh tactics? What about me?" Rafe followed me.

"Yes, Mr. Cameron, false pertenses" Singh said as he pourred a few drinks. "But the ends justify the means, I'm afraid. Sit down" Rafe sat down beside me. "We have a lot to talk about"

"Why are we here?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Well, Ms. Foster, Mr. Cameron, we share certain intertests, you know" He started. "Objectives"

"Is this not about the coss?" Rafe asked him.

"It is" Singh nodded. "Tangentially, it is about the cross, but it's also about something much much bigger than the cross" He started walking around the room. He fixed his eyes in an intresting painting. It was an island, and in the back there we're mountains of gold. A man was in the front, starting at the gold in amazemnet, and in front of him, there was a stange, stone relique. "By ordered of magnitude, the completion of a grand quest" He stood right in front of the painting.

I glanced at Rafe before looking back at Singh.

"You see" Singh looked back at us. "The story goes that 450 years ago, a Spanish soldier came out of the Orinoco Basin with a few gold beads. And when they asked the Spanish soldier where the beads came from, tha Spanish soldier replied he got them from a peaceful Ingenous tribe who lived in a city of gold. El Dorado. And for the next 450 years, people tried to find that gold, you know. They tried, conquistadors, knights, captains of ships, tribes. Entire nations. All fighting eachother in a face for the end of the rainbow. Thousands of lives laied on the pyre of gold fever. And it falls to me, you know. It falls to me to complete the task. To bring full circle a quest that has gone on for almost 500 years . Perhaps... Perhaps the greatest quest in the history of western hemisphere, you know. And you two. You two are going to play a part in that"

Rafe and I stayed in silence, not knwoing what to say.

"What about you, Ms. Foster" Singh looked at me. "Are you intrested in history?"

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