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We finally made it to my old house. I haven't been here since I was 5 years old. Walking through this old front years brought back memories that I wanted to forget.

"Are you sure about this?" JJ asked. I nodded in response.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He akwardly asked. This was bringing so much memories, and not pleasent ones.

"I'm sure" I said with my voice shaking. JJ looked at me straight in the eyes before I got off the car.

I walked slowly towards the front porche and opened the door as quietly as posible.

I walked with my eyes closed, hoping my disgusting father wasn't around. As I walked through the thin hallway, I could feel a knot forming in my throat.

I saw the kitchen, and the marks in the wall of the broken glass where still there, from when the time he tried to cut me. My heart was going full speed when I saw him. My dad, passed out in a chair across the kitchen table.

Constant flashbacks of me getting tortured were passing through my head non stop. I freezed there, feeling like a kid once again. Thet fear I felt when he approached me setteled again, with the exact same smell of alcohol. It triggered me. I felt like aI was five again, waiting to be hurt. I felt indefence, vulnerable, small. Like the years haven't passed. I felt unsafe.

But I wasn't a child anymore. I grew up many years ago. Life was never easy when I lived here, but that wasn't gonna stop me. I was not letting myself feel like that unprotected little girl once again. I couldn't.

I quickly grabbed the car keys from the little platter in the table next to the door. They had the same exact place since I left. It was like nothing ever changed.

I runned away from the house, and as soon as I stepped outside, tears started running uncontrollably through my cheeks.

"Hope? Are you okay? Did something happen?" JJ, who was now next to the door, came towards me worried. I was unable to speak, so he simply grabbed me tightly. I didn't realize I was shaking until his body came into contact with mine.

I felt protected again in his arms. Now that he was with me, holding me close nothing bad could ever happen.

"Let's go" I said, pulling away. We looked at eachother akwardy before I handed him the keys and quickly got inisde. He started the engine and we drove away as quickly as we could.

It took seconds for us to get to the Chateu. JJ parked the truck and silently got off. He runned towards the surf shack and I waited for him to come back.

I tried to slow my breathing to calm myself down. I never thought I would be coming back to that house, specially not like that. I tried to put my thought about my father to the back of my head.

I started to get a little impatient when JJ was taking a little too long. I honked to call his attention.

"JJ!" I yelled. I got off the car and got into the driver's seat. I honked again, hoping he would come out.

Suddenly, my expression changed completly when I saw Luke being pushed around by JJ.

"What the fuck? No. Immediately no" I said to him. "What is this?"

"Just get in the truck" JJ said to Luke.

"What is this JJ?" I asked him, getting off the car.

"Listen to me. Listen to me, okay?" He said, grabbing me by both arms and pushing me against the car. "I need to get into the marina at the Island Club. There's a boat there that he can take. Twenty minutes, that's all I need" He said before letting me go and walking towards the other side of the car.

"The Twinkie's gonna be a submarine in 20 minutes" I said angrily.

"I know Hope" JJ said frustrated.

"Leave him, and we can come back" I insisted.

"The cops are after him!" JJ said angrily. "If I do this now, maybe I will never have to do it again" JJ looked at me with intense eyes. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. "Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same"

"Fine" I said, exhaling deeply. I got into the driver's seat and noticed Luke staring. "Don't look at me" I said with hate in my voice.


I drove away from the Chateu into the Island Club. I drove in silence, giving the death stare to Luke in the back.

"Hey, pull up to Home Food here. I'm gonna need provisions" Luke said. I pulled up and JJ got off quickly.

I stared at JJ's father as he drummed on the back seats. I was starting to get mad just by looking at his face.

"You're a terrible father, you know that? And trust me, I know about bad fathers" I said without looking at him.

"Yeah, preach it to me" Luke said annoyed. "Set me straight"

"Do you have any idea how special your son is? Like, even a clue?" I stared at the glass in front of me.

"He's a thief is what he is" Luke said with arrogance. I nodded in response.

"And what are you?" I asked him. "You're just a wasted local salt who never did shit but get messed up and hustle people. Not exactly impressive" I rolled my eyes. I saw him smile behind me.

"You're Owen's daughter, right?" Luke laughed. "Yeah, I know him. He was a rat in high school, still is. You know, I thought you left your father alone because he was shit, but I guess he was the one to leave you without a roof because you were a little bitch. Just like your mother did" Before he could continue talking, I hitted him in the face with my elbow.

"If you ever say a word about me like that I swear it will be worse than a nose bleed" I said looking at him. Finally, JJ came back, and I immediately started the car.

Falling Slowly - JJ Maybank Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now