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"He deserved it, right?" JJ asked. We were all in the docks the day after Ward's death, taking in what we just witnessed.

"Are you joking?" Kie asked him. "Ofcourse he deserved it" I stayed quiet at the comment.

"Never seen anyone blow themselves up like that" Pope said quietly.

"Cross that one off the bucket list" JJ said.

"You can't say that" I said not taking my eyes off the water.

"It's true. He didn't deserve to live" J argued back.

"Still. He was a person. A father. The father of one of our best friends who is probably going through hell right now. And we are here acting like nothing happened. Like everything is fine" I stared at JJ's eyes.

"Everything is fine" JJ looked at me directly. My eyes started to fill with tears, but before he could see me cry, I run directly into the Chateu.

I entered the house and went directly to the kitchen. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and without thinking I started drinking it all.

A sound behind me made me turn around. I saw JJ, staring at me with disappointment in his eyes.

"Still in this" He said looking down.

"Well, why do you care" I said before finishing the beer and grabbing another one.

"I don't" He said with pain in his voice. The comment crushed me. Tears started to run through mh cheeks, and this time I didn't care if he saw.

"What happened?" I asked with pain in my voice. "What happened to us? We used to be great. We loved eschother, and now..." I said looking down.

"It's the way it is. Sometimes things just come to an end. Even if they weren't supposed to" He said also looking down. He sounded empty, like this didn't affected him at all.

I looked at his eyes once again. He was staring at me, waiting for something to come out of me. Without thinking, I went into my room and started grabbing evrything that was his. All of his clothes and things he gave me in the past.

I walked into the kitchen again and placed it all in the couch. He stared at me silently, not knowing what to say.

"All of your stuff. I don't need it anymore" I said, trying to get a reacting out of him.

"Thank you" He said in a quiet voice.

"That's all? That is all you are gonna say?" I said tired of this shit.

"And what do you want me to say?" He yelled at me. Silence invaded the room again. My throat hurted like never before.

"I just didn't expect it to be this easy for you to let me go" I said almost in a whisper. He looked at me in the eyes one more time before  grabbing his stuff and leaving me for a second time.


Nighttime came by rellay quickly. I haven't been outside since JJ left.

I walked weakly towards the dock where John B and Pope were. They were laying in the hard surface, looking up as they smoked a blunt. I layed down between my two friends without saying a word.

"I don't get it" John B broke the silence. "I don't" He repeated. I grabbed the blunt from his hands and took a deep inhale.

"Love is five minutes of pleasure for a lifetime of pain" Pope answred him.

"Wow" I said surprised before taking another hit. "Okay, you and Kie. What's going on? I need to focus on someone else's love life" I said sitting down.

"Well, she just wants to be friends" Pope explained as the two boys sat down.

"Death blow" John B nodded.

"I'm sorry" I said gently.

"I... I didn't even see it comeing" Pope said. Suddenly, Kie and JJ appeard with beers in their hands. They started throwing them at us, and we tried to catch them.

"What are you guys doing down there?" JJ asked, realizing our moods. "Having a good cry?" He tried not to look in my direction.

"Cry?" I said looking at the two boys and then back at him. "What are you talking about? We don't cry" I said laughing. John B sighted besides me.

"You know it's not your fault" Kie comforted him.

"You think she'll come around?" JB asked her.

"Yeah dude, she's one of us" Kie answred him.

"Sarah's a pogue" John B laughed. "She'll come around. Yep. You know, she'll come back to me. Right" As John B talked, me and JJ locked eyes, but I quickly looked away.


The next morning I woke up by Pope gently tapping on my face.

"Hey, Hope. We gotta go to school" He said gently. I rubbed my eyes tired as I turned around so he wouldn't bother me anymore.

"Hey, come on" He insisted, lifting me up from my bed. He conducted me to the kitchen and made me sit down in front of John B, who was in the same starte as I was.

I looked at John B and he gave me a fake smile, trying to lift my mood.

"How are you?" He asked in a tired voice.

"Depressed, I think" I said before yawning.

"Is he alive?" Pope asked from behind John B, trying to wake JJ up.

"I don't know" John B answred with laziness.

In between all the chaos of Pope traying to wake up all of us, Kie entered from my bedroom. She looked around confused at the scene.

"Hey Kie" I gave her a fake smile as I stood up from my seat. Meanwhile Pope walked towards the door with John B and JJ. I followed the boys, leaving Kiara behind me.

"Umm... I will meet up with you guys later" She said as we all lefe the Chateu.

As soon as we sat down at the Twinkie, I fell asleep again. I don't know why, but I forgort that we still had school. Lately the day's have been so long that I forgot that everything that happened was just in the course of a few days.

"Come on" I woke up once again by Pope's voice getting off the driver's seat. "Let's go guys" He said when he realized none of us were reacting.

I took the hair out of my face before opening the door and sloppily walking outside behind Pope. I stood next to him and stared at the school's doors.

"We can always dich, you know?" I looked at him with tired eyes.

"Let's go" He said messing up my hair and pushing me towards the entrance, making me roll my eyes.

Falling Slowly - JJ Maybank Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now