Chapter 13

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A/N Hi guys ! It's been quite a while and Im terribly sorry for that. A lot of things have happened since the last time I posted. I've come out as FTM and go by CJ (Carson Jace) and since my transition I've never felt better. Still had to work on some mental health things but I feel like I'm finally back in the swing of writing again. I re-read all of my books in about 2 weeks (yes, even BTTB lol) and I can't believe how much I missed this. I missed the families, the characters, the stories. I have to thank my boyfriend who has been with me these past 2 years, and has done nothing but encourage me to write again. So i'm finally doing it, and I hope when I finish these last few chapters it will be worth the wait.

"Alright, Brian can you tilt your head down just a little for me?... Perfect, big smiles everyone."

Another shutter went off, Harry taking his camera away from his face for just a moment before repositioning himself in front of the family.

"You guys look great, just one more and we'll be all set."

He couldn't blame the younger kids' sigh of relief before they put on big grins for the camera. They've been at this for almost an hour, but their mom wanted plenty of different shots so that's what Harry made sure to do.

"Okay, tortures over, we're all done," he joked, at least getting a few laughs out of the family. "I'll edit this tonight and you can pick them up any day after tomorrow," Harry smiled at the parents, shaking both of their hands and getting their payment before the group headed towards the door.

"You got any more appointments today mate?"

Harry looked to where Sam was sitting at his desk, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and tongue sticking out the side of his mouth, a tell tale that he was editing pictures.

"Just one more, a little dancer."

"Aw, cute," Sam cooed, "as rough as the kids can be sometimes their pictures always come out amazing."

"Gee, I wonder how that happens... That isn't my job or anything," Harry chuckled as he rolled his eyes and took a seat at his own desk. "I just have a way with kids."

Sam hummed, focusing on what he was doing for just a moment before glancing at his mate across from him. "Speaking of kids, how's Nate doing after the whole grocery store incident?"

"He's doing better..." he said quietly, "was sleeping in mine and Louis' room for a bit but luckily that stopped pretty quickly. His mind is more focused on vacation, I don't blame him."

"Still don't know where the lover boy is taking you guys?"

"Nope, it's all one big mystery," Harry huffed, but still, he couldn't fight the smile that came to him at the thought of Louis' surprise. "I'm excited though, I don't think we're going anywhere far, but just somewhere quiet, somewhere peaceful."

"I'm glad mate, you could use it," Sam grinned back at him.

"You really don't mind watching this place and-"

"C'mon H, you know I don't mind, I make more money while you're gone," he said, unable to hold back his laughter as he saw the younger lad rolling his eyes.

"Well in that case you're welcome," Harry said, smirking at Sam as he put his camera's SD card in his computer, wanting to get a jump on editing before his next client came in. "I feel bad mate, me leaving more often, Liam is gone on another cruise, I don't like leaving you alone."

Sam was quiet for a second, biting his lip as he shrugged. "It can be hard with Liam, it feels like he's jetting off every other week, but I love being here, it's my second favorite place."

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