Chapter 10

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Harry kept his eyes on his computer screen, allowing his mouse to follow along the picture and do it's job. His hair was falling into his eyes and he was too tired to even think about moving it from his view. But this last piece he had to get done and all of his hours of work today will be well behind him.

He hoped Nate and Louis were okay, he hasn't even had a chance to look at his phone since he walked into work this morning. But with his son and boyfriend being how they are he was sure they were just fine and having the time of their lives together. Of course he just then reminded himself that he should've texted Louis earlier to remind him his mum was driving down today.

And just as he looked at the time and saw how late it was Harry was sure he had a heart attack knowing his mum should be here within minutes.

Without even thinking about it he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, fumbling with it for a second before actually managing to steady it in his hand. He pulled up his messaging app and tapped on Louis' name, getting his thumbs ready to type before he felt a hand on his shoulder and successfully making him jump from his seat and drop his phone to the ground.

"Harry! Geez! It's me love!"

Harry caught his mum's eyes, her face full of worry as her arms were out to steady him. "Mum! Hi! Oh my God, Hi!!" he said excitedly, engulfing her in a hug and kissing her cheek.

And really Anne shouldn't have expected anything less from her son as she hugged him back and laughed into his neck. "Hi sweetheart," she smiled at him, "hard at work as always I see."

Harry looked back to his computer sheepishly, this being the first day in a while he's really satten down and gotten some work done. "How did you know I'd be here though, I'm mean-"

"Harry you live here," Anne said, looking at her son a bit crazy.

"Right..." Harry said slowly, his eyes looking up to the loft above the studio that him and Nate haven't slept in in weeks. "Well it's so good to see you mum. Nate is so excited to see you and Louis can't wait to meet you!"

"I can't wait either sweetheart, but for right now come here," Anne said, pulling her son back into her arms and hugging him to her chest. "I've missed you so much love."

Harry took in a deep breath, his mum back with him and all the love and care from her he's been missing for too long. "Missed you too mum," he barely whispered into her neck.

Anne had to sniffle to herself, wiping her wet eyes quickly before smiling back up at her little boy. "Where's that grandson of mine? I can't believe he hasn't ran down here yet," she laughed to herself

"Oh, he uh, he's actually at Louis'," Harry bit his lip, scratching the back of his neck and waiting for some kind of scary motherly look from his mum.

"Really?" Anne asked, her face lighting up in surprise. "Well that's great love, I can't wait to see him in a little bit. But in the meantime text Louis that you'll be there in an hour and you and I can talk for a bit."

Harry studied his mum for a second. Not sure if she was mad or happy or just shocked, but either way he picked his phone off the ground and texted Louis just as his mum said to do.

"Come here H, sit down with me," Anne said, sitting Harry back down in his computer chair and she took the seat across from his desk.

Harry nodded, trying to relax and get it through his head that his mum shouldn't really be mad at him for anything, but there's always that worry in the back of his mind.

"You're not in trouble sweetheart, I just want to talk," Anne smiled at him, seeing Harry's overthinking face. "I just... I love seeing you so happy."

I Was Made for Loving You (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now