Chapter 18

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"Okay, okay, that's done, and that's done," Harry looked around the counter quickly, double checking everything was presentable before looking at the timer on the oven. "Lou!" he called out.

After waiting a few moments though there was nothing.

Sometimes Harry cursed living in such a big place, but this was really the only complaint he had.

"Louis!!" he yelled louder.

"One minute!" a scream was heard back.

Harry let out a deep breath, glancing at the food behind him still cooking on the stove and opting to leave it for just a minute.

He made his way upstairs, hearing Nate's giggles from the hallway as he played in his room and that let Harry relax some knowing he was entertained.

"Babe?" he asked as soon as he reached his and Louis' bedroom.

The shorter man came out of the bathroom, looking a bit more than frazzled himself.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," Louis breathed out, "Nate was just a little tough to get ready and then I had to get ready, plus I gotta finish cleaning up and you obviously need help and-"

"Love," Harry smiled softly at him, needing him to calm down, "I'll help you clean up, you look like you got ready, just breathe for a second..."

Louis nodded back at him, knowing he probably seemed like a mental case but just like the last time Anne came into town he needed everything to go right.

"What did you need? I'm sorry, I'm doing my whole-" Louis waved his hands near his head, knowing he was overthinking.

"Any chance you can watch the food on the stove for a couple minutes? I just need to change," Harry said, hating that he was adding on to his boyfriend's imaginary stress load, "I'll help you clean up as soon as I'm done, promise."

"Yeah, I can do that, yeah," Louis nodded, letting out a deep breath as he started to head for the door.

Before he could reach it though Louis felt a hand grab his arm and when he looked up he saw his boyfriend gently grinning at him.

"I love you, thank you," he said quietly.

Louis doesn't know how those three magic words seem to put the world in order again, but he wasn't going to complain, not in the slightest.

"Love you too," he smiled at him, standing on his toes and pressing their lips together.

Harry gave his arm a gentle squeeze before letting Louis leave the room.

The blue eyed lad made sure to peek at Nate in his room to make sure he was okay before heading down to the kitchen.

Everything on the stove seemed to be coming along nicely and Harry already did all of their cold sides. Louis couldn't lie he was more than impressed with what his boyfriend put together, and with everything looking good he thought he could help out a bit and get their holiday punch ready.

He may have had to remind himself to take it somewhat easy on the alcohol when mixing it together, not wanting it too strong for anyone. But after a few taste tests and some tweaking it was up to his standards.

Louis made sure he had Nate's special sparkling juice ready to go as well, wanting him to have a little treat for the holiday.

And after making sure there was nothing left to do in the kitchen, the counters clean and everything in its place did Louis head into the living room to pick up.

I Was Made for Loving You (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now