Chapter 21

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A/N I hope you guys have enjoyed this journey as much as I have ! I'm already working on a new book, and very excited to get posting on the first chapter of it. It's an idea I've had for quite a while now and I can't wait to share it with you guys. Thank you so much for all the support ! Comments are always appreciated, and votes are great, thank you ! Xx

2 Months Later

Louis peered over his shoulder, biting his lip nervously as he saw Harry shifting around in bed.

He was doing everything in his power to do this quietly, and if he was a smarter man he would be doing this in the office but Nate unfortunately ruined his present hiding spot last week. So here he was silently wrapping the presents he hid under the bed because his toddler found some of his gifts already.


"Shit," Louis muttered, "uhm h-hey love, you're up early," he slowly turned around to smile at him.

"What are you- are you wrapping presents?" Harry squinted tiredly, and even through his sleep fogged eyes he could see the new toys, "Lou are you kidding me? He already has so many-"

"Yeah but you know he found some and-"

"Lou," Harry groaned into his hands, it being far too early for his boyfriend's craziness, "he found three toys, that means he has three less to open, that doesn't mean you buy him five more!"

Louis shifted his gaze to the floor as he heard Harry muttering to himself and got up from the bed to look at what else he had bought.

"I can't with you," the curly haired man shook his head as he saw the new toys, "You just... You have to know how much I love you, and you're so amazing in so many ways but will you please relax with the gifts?"

Louis opened his mouth, wanting to explain that today was a special occasion but Harry would shut him down, like he attempted to for Christmas. At least on the holiday he was able to sneak a few extra gifts under the tree without his boyfriend really noticing, but this proved to be more difficult.

"You know what? We'll just save these for some other time or-"

"What? Harry no!" Louis quickly spoke up, "it's his birthday, there's no harm in a little extra spoiling!"

Harry had to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes as he saw Louis rush in front of the presents so he wouldn't grab them.

"H please, it's my first birthday spent with him and it just means a lot to me."

His eyes were locked on Louis as he looked back at him pleadingly. This has been the same excuse he's used for every holiday and birthday, and Harry really couldn't argue, he had nothing to say that could stop him.

"If you do the same thing next year for any celebration I'm calling you out. No more excessive present shopping," he huffed, plopping himself down on the floor and reluctantly fixing the presents Louis tried to wrap.

Louis took that as a win and too happily sat next to Harry to pass him tape whenever he needed it. He liked to think that with their teamwork they got everything done quickly and thanks to Harry they looked like proper gifts.

"Do you want me to order breakfast?" Louis asked as he put the presents with the others they had in their closet.

"I'm afraid if I let you do it you'll go overboard and get one of everything," Harry teased him.

Even at seeing the stack of presents in their closet he wanted to groan, there being no reason a 4 year old should have this many gifts.

"Well I mean there's gonna be five of us so we are gonna need quite a few things," Louis tried to point out.

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