Chapter 6

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A/N Alrighty, this isn't edited because I wanted to get it out as soon as it was done, but I'll be sure to go through it later tonight when I'm free. Happy reading !

Louis jumped awake, a loud knocking echoing through the room and almost making him wince as he felt his throbbing head. But he sat up and slumped to the door anyway, wishing he could still be sleeping like Harry, and he doesn't know how the younger lad could still be snoring like a bore with all this noise going on.

When Louis opened the door though he was a bit surprised to see Liam there, but even past his foggy thoughts he somewhat remembered that the brown eyed man had Nate for the night and it was clearly morning.

"Oh uh, hey mate, I'm sorry, I can wake Harry and we'll take Na-"

"No, no, it's not about Nate, it's fine," Liam shook his head. "I'm sorry for waking you but I was hoping we could talk..."

Louis looked at him a bit confused but nodded anyway, about to get Harry so they could talk but Liam stopped him.

"Just you, leave H to sleep."

"Uhm... Yeah, sure," Louis said quietly, scratching the back of his neck nervously before taking a step further into the hallway and closing the door behind him.

They were just standing there for a second, Liam not saying anything and Louis was wondering what in the world he would want to talk to him privately about. If anything he was just trying to calm his nerves, this being Harry's best mate and clearly it was him Liam wanted to talk about.

"So uh, you and H seem to be getting really close and everything," Liam finally spoke up, shifting on his feet a bit uneasily as he met the older man's eye. "And I just... I wanted you to know he's not the kind of guy to just have a fling on a boat, he's looking for more than that."

Louis opened his mouth, wanting to say that of course he knew that, well he at least figured with Harry having a child.

"I guess... I uh, was wondering what your plan was when we get back to London," Liam said quietly. "And I'm sorry if it seems that I'm overstepping boundaries and it's a conversation for you and H, but he's my best mate and he's been through a lot... I just want to make sure he's falling for someone who won't break his heart."

"No, no, it's okay, I mean, I get it," Louis nodded at him. "But you know I've thought about it a lot and I understand that with Harry having Nate, well, it's a big deal, it's serious... But I wouldn't be doing everything I am now with them if I didn't want to be with him after the cruise."

And just at hearing that Liam didn't try to fight off the small smile that came over him, there being no denying that he was more than relieved to hear that.

"You know I was hoping you'd say that, could almost read it on your face whenever you're with them, but I wanted to make sure," he said, easily seeing Louis' cheeks going pink at that. "I just wanted to make sure, ya know? He's my best mate, gotta perform my duties properly."

"Of course," Louis chuckled to himself. "I was uh... W-well I was actually going to talk to Harry today about what we're doing and all that, I guess you beat me to the punch."

"Wait, were you really?!" Liam almost squealed. "Oh my God, that's fantastic!! And don't be nervous, I mean, he'll probably be quiet and a little scared at the idea, but seriously mate I think he's a bit crazy for you, wait, don't tell him I said that, but really." he said quickly, almost fumbling over his words.

And Louis just raised his eyebrows at Liam, trying to hold in a laugh at how excited he seemed, he only hoped Harry would feel the same.

"But I won't take up any more of your time, I'm sure you'd like to sleep off the hangover you probably have. I just wanted to have a quick chat."

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