Chapter 11

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"Nate! Nate, shoes!" Harry called after his son as soon as he saw him sprinting into the flat.

"I got him H," Anne chuckled, following after her grandson.

Harry let out a quiet breath, hoping Nate wouldn't make a mess that he would have to clean before Louis came home. But just as he was putting his bags down on the couch he noticed a shadow moving outside on the balcony.

He furrowed his eyebrows, knowing Louis was supposed to be at the studio all day but here he was. Just at a quick glance though Harry could see the older lad was mad or stressed.

The blue eyed man had his phone pressed to his ear while his other hand was clutching a beer, which for Louis at this time of day meant something was going wrong. So Harry carefully made his way to the glass door that led to the balcony, opening it and feeling the cool fall air hit him.


Louis spun around, his cheeks pink and fingers white from the cold but that didn't stop the almost relieved breath that came out of him as soon as he saw his boyfriend.

"Hey love, I'll be off soon, I promise."

Harry just offered him a small smile and nodded, of course not wanting to interrupt his conversation. But then he saw Louis wasn't wearing very warm clothes for his pacing outside so he made quick work of rushing to their bedroom and grabbing him a sweatshirt.

"I already told you, I'm not coming in, I don't understand what you don't get about the word no!"

Harry bit his lip as he silently walked back out to the balcony, clutching the sweatshirt as he heard Louis getting more and more frustrated on the phone.

"No! You listen!" Louis yelled into the phone. "I'm asking for a few days off while I have family here! It's not too much to ask for a movie that takes a whole fucking year to make!!"

He really, really didn't want to sneak up on him, but he hated that he was cold and clearly stressed and didn't want to be inside so everyone could hear him yelling.

"Love..." Harry almost whispered, very carefully putting his hand on the back of the older lad's back. "Here."

Louis let out a deep breath, turning around and his eyes immediately falling on the article of clothing his boyfriend was offering him. He couldn't even say thank you before Harry was reaching for his beer bottle and holding it for him so he could put his sweatshirt on.

Louis pulled the phone away from his ear, keeping his eyes on his boyfriend, and for the first time since they said goodbye to each other this morning he smiled. "I love you."

And if Harry wasn't looking at him he probably wouldn't have even noticed the older man was talking to him. But of course he noticed, and as soon as Louis slipped the sweatshirt over his head he was able to sneak in for a quick kiss.

"I love you too," he said softly, his own grin coming over him. "I'll be inside alright?"

Louis just nodded back, the smile never leaving his face as the green eyed lad shuffled back inside.

Harry was at least happy he could get him to smile but from how that conversation was going he wasn't too sure how long it would last.

"What're you looking at love?"

Harry snapped his head to where he heard his mum's voice coming from, only to see her walk to where he was and look out to the balcony.

"I thought he was supposed to be at work all day?" she asked confused.

"Yeah, he was but uh- I don't know, he's on the phone from someone from work I guess."

"Hm, doesn't seem like a pleasant conversation," Anne said quietly as she saw the blue eyed man pacing around and looking like he was doing everything in his power not to blow up.

I Was Made for Loving You (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now