Chapter 8

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"Alright sweetheart, can you hold your sister, just like this?" Harry smiled gently at the little girl, placing her baby sister carefully in her little arms. "Perfect, you two look so beautiful, so beautiful in fact I'm gonna take a couple pictures, is that okay?"

And the girl nodded happily back at him, holding her sister just like he said and making sure to keep still.

"Thank you so much love, now just smile big at the camera, alright?" he said, picking up the camera that was hanging from his neck and kneeling down on one knee to get the perfect shot.

This is definitely one of the easier shoots he's done with kids. Half the time they're crying and the other half they're running around and refuse to sit for even five minutes for him to take a picture. But these two girls were beyond adorable and so sweet, listening to absolutely everything he said and luckily the little newborn was sound asleep the entire time.

He was getting amazing shots and their parents were cooing at absolutely everything the girls were doing, it was definitely one of the better shoots he's done.

"Alright you two, I think we're all set here," Harry said sweetly, taking the newborn from the little girl and bringing her over to her parents. "So I'll edit what I have and I can give you guys a call as to when you pick up the pictures, sound good?"

"Sounds perfect Mr. Styles, thank you so much."

"I've told you Grace, call me Harry, please," he chuckled to himself. "It was a pleasure working with all of you, really."

"Well thank you again Harry, we can't wait to see the final product."

Harry just smiled at the pair and nodded back at them as they got their girls ready to go. But just as he turned to see them out he froze at seeing Louis standing at the door and grinning ear to ear.

"W-what are you doing here? I-I mean how did you know where my-"

"I googled it," Louis laughed and shrugged, walking up to the younger lad and pecking his lips. "Thought I could surprise you a little bit."

"Yeah, well you definitely achieved that," Harry said, still a bit shocked that he was here.

And Louis just kept smiling up at him, standing on his toes and kissing him one more time. "Just wanted to see you in action and check the place out. It's incredible in here."

Harry shuffled a bit nervously on his feet as he watched Louis look around the studio and take everything in

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Harry shuffled a bit nervously on his feet as he watched Louis look around the studio and take everything in. "Yeah I uh, I put everything I have into this place and luckily it's working out."

"I'd say," Louis scoffed. "You even got a basketball hoop, like to have a little fun in here, huh?"

"Uh yeah," Harry laughed sheepishly to himself as he pulled his camera off from around his neck and placed it on his desk. "I did a shoot for a basketball team one time and I just left it up there. Sometimes when Nate is in here with me he gets pretty bored so we'll play a bit."

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