Chapter 15

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Harry let out a deep breath as he adjusted his messenger bag on his shoulder, putting on a smile as he pushed open the flat door.

"I'm home!"

"Daddy!" a shriek was heard a second later, followed by the litter patter of feet and a bark.

"Hello love," he said, scooping Nate up and kissing his curls, "good day with aunt Gemma?"

"Yeah, we play lots and I draw you and Lou Lou a picture and-"

And Harry tried to keep listening as he walked fully into the flat and kicked his shoes off with Princess following him and yapping along. The only thing really having his attention being how tired he was, but he tried his hardest to be present for Nate.

He sat them down on the living room couch, his son going on and on about what he and his aunt got up to today.

"You okay H?" Gemma asked quietly, seeing her brother slump into the couch and rub a hand over his face.

"Just tired," Harry mumbled, "Lou's not home yet, huh?"

Gemma shook her head, looking back at him softly, knowing how hard this past week has been for them. "Do you want me to stay so you can relax a little, or I can make dinner?"

"No, it's okay," he breathed out, not even wanting to think about cooking dinner. "I'll just order something and Louis should be home soon."

She looked at him for a moment to make sure he was really okay before kissing the two of them goodbye and heading for the door.

"Daddy when Lou get home?" Nate turned to his father.

"I'm sure in a little bit buddy. I'm gonna order some dinner tonight though, you in the mood for anything?" he asked, already pulling out his phone to look at menus.


Harry rolled his eyes, the 3 year old always wanting pizza. "How about chinese hm? Something different maybe?"

"But Lou like pizza and I like pizza," Nate groaned.

"I know love, but I'm sure Louis is sick of eating it two times a week," he laughed, "there's noodles, chicken and rice, all types of yummy stuff."

Maybe that was convincing enough since Nate sat there for a second before letting out a huff and saying a quiet "okay". That was all Harry needed to hear before pulling up his favorite restaurant and putting an order in for the three of them. He made sure to get his boyfriend's favorite, knowing if he had half the day as him then he was more than exhausted.

Luckily there was a movie on that grabbed Nate's attention as he laid against his chest with Princess at his feet. Harry had basically melted into the cushions at finally not being in the studio.

There was no lie, this past week has been more than hard. From early wake ups to a pile of work that needed to be done, then coming home to a more than hyper toddler. Harry knew he and Louis were struggling to keep up with everything and catch up, but he didn't think it would be this hard.

At first he thought it would take him a few days, maybe a week to catch up, but with more clients coming in it only made him more backed up. On top of that Louis was doing everything in his power to be here with them at least for a few hours before Nate went to bed, but some nights it just hasn't worked out like that.

And Harry really hoped it wasn't one of those nights when 45 minutes later the food arrived and he hadn't heard back from the older lad yet.

"Daddy Lou gonna eat with us?" Nate asked as his father got him situated in his booster seat.

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