Chapter 2

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"Daddy why you do that?"

Harry looked over to Nate, the 3 year old staring back at him and almost seeming disgust as his eyes were locked on his breakfast plate. "Do what...?"

"Put ketchup on you eggs, that wrong," Nate wrinkled his nose at the sight.

"I dunno, I think it's quite good," Harry shrugged. "C'mon try it, you might like it," he said, scooping some up on his fork and offering it to Nate only for the toddler to quickly scamper away and shake his head violently.

And Harry kind of figured he would have that reaction, but he was given the opportunity to freak his son out for a second and he wasn't going to pass it up.

So as Nate was desperately trying to get away from the fork Harry was doing everything in his power to not burst into laughter at his son's face. He thought he could at least try to give him something somewhat nutritious considering everything he picked out at the breakfast bar was nothing but a waffle with some sugar to put on top of it.

"Excuse me, do we have a problem here gentlemen?"

Both Nate and Harry stopped what they were doing, freezing where they were and looking over to the voice, only to see a bright smiling Liam in front of them.

"Uncle Liam!!"

"Big guy," Liam said happily as the 3 year old jumped in his arms. "How was your first night on board?"

"It so fun!! Daddy make friend with Peter!"

At that Liam raised his eyebrows, looking to Harry with a sly grin only for the younger lad to quickly shake his head.

"No, no, it's not like that, and Nathaniel we talked about this, his name isn't really Peter," Harry looked at his son seriously, and seeing him roll his eyes.

"His real name isn't Peter?" Liam asked confused. "What does he have a fake one? What's his actual name the-"


All three of their heads snapped up, noticing the pair of blue eyes looking right back at them with a soft smile.

"Nate I've miss ya since last night, and Harry, long time no chat," Louis winked at the curly haired lad.

And it was immediate Harry felt himself blush, it being just hours ago they finally texted goodnight to each other even though it was about 2 in the morning. The way Liam was looking between them wasn't helping anyone either, his face between a mixture of shock and awe.

"Hey mate, good to meet ya, I'm-"

"You're Louis Tomlinson!" Liam whisper yelled, looking at the brunette haired man wide eyed and trying his absolute hardest not to scream. "Holy- just, oh my- oh my God, it's so great to meet you sir!"

Louis was a bit startled as Liam grabbed his hand and shook it quickly, looking to Harry and seeing him trying to muffle in a laugh, it seeming like these two knew each other. "Well it's uh, it's great to meet you too," he chuckled to himself.

"Can I just say your portrayal of Peter Pan in Once Upon a Time was amazing, fantastic even! You know Peter Pan as a bad guy was really something no one expected and you did it so well, and you looked so young!"

"Just had to shave and do my hair up right," Louis joked as he ran a hand over the stubble covering his cheeks. "Plus I'm a wee bit small, wasn't hard to play a teenager."

At that Liam let out a loud laugh, maybe one that was a tad too loud for the small dining area they were in, but he couldn't help it, Louis Tomlinson was in front of him.

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