Chapter 19

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A/N Alright guys, one more chapter after this then we're done ! I hope you've enjoyed this book as much as I've enjoyed writing it ! Comments are amazing, kudos are great, thank you so much for sticking with me through this Xx

Harry mumbled to himself, squeezing his eyes shut impossibly more, just wanting to sleep. He felt something though, something woke him up and when he shifted on the bed his hips pushed up into something warm, something wet. And God it felt good, really really good.

He couldn't help the moan that escaped from the back of his throat, clutching at the bed sheet under him and finally opening his eyes to see his boyfriend going down on him.

"Christ Lou," he mumbled out, not even all that awake but he was beyond hard.

Harry's jaw went slack as Louis went further down on him, letting him hit the back of his throat and his tongue running along his shaft. He didn't waste a second before reaching for the shorter man's hair, pushing him down until his nose pressed into his stomach and thrusting his hips forward.

Louis gripped onto his thighs, humming around him and picking his pace up. The younger lad was not being shy in the slightest as he gripped his hair and had him go further down on him.

Harry threw his head back against the pillow, Louis at this point taking it upon himself to hold onto his waist and make his hips jerk forward in time with his bobbing.

He was an absolute mess, thighs shaking and moans escaping him every time he felt his boyfriend's beard scratching his sensitive skin. And it only got worse when one of Louis' hands cupped his balls, giving them a light squeeze and massaging them against his palm.

"L-Louis fuck- I'm-" he tried to say something, anything, but the waves of pleasure crashing over him just had him groaning.

Louis kept with what he was doing, letting Harry thrust into his mouth, taking all of him in as he played with his balls. And as soon as the curly haired man was a squirming mess under him and muttering curses to himself did Louis go down on him faster and faster.

"Fuck, just like that Lou- just like-" he gripped his hair impossibly tighter, a strangled moan coming out of him as his hips jerked sloppily and he shot into Louis' mouth.

Harry let his eyes fall shut, his rush washing over him as he let out a few deep breaths and tried to calm his racing heart.

He felt Louis move up to him though, slowly opening his eyes and seeing the older lad smiling sweetly back at him.

"Happy birthday."

Harry raised his eyebrows, an airy laugh coming out of him as he wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed his temple. "Already the best birthday I've had in years, my God."

Louis smiled against his neck, pressing a kiss into his sweaty skin, "oh and it's only just begun."

Harry hid his face in his boyfriend's hair, not needing him to see his embarrassingly big grin.

"So we have two options," Louis mumbled against him, "it's still a bit early so we can go back to sleep, or..." he trailed off for a second, plopping his finger in his mouth, sneaking his hand between Harry's legs and pressing against his hole, "we can get up and shower."

Harry tried not to shudder as he felt Louis breathing into his ear and his finger slowly dragging in and out of him. His eyes flickered over to the bathroom door, not even needing to think about it before he said a quick "shower".

Louis smiled to himself, leaning down and connecting their lips, "thought you might say that."

And yeah, Harry could easily say this has already been one of his best birthdays, and it was still the early hours of the morning.

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