Chapter 16

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"Nate enough chasing Princess around, it's time to settle down!" Louis called after the 3 year old, hearing his shrieks from the kitchen.

It was getting late and he was just starting to clean up the mess after dinner. Nate has been on a rampage since he got picked up from daycare and Louis honestly can't blame Harry for retreating to the office to get some work done. His boyfriend tried working at the dining room table but quickly had to get away from his son's constant screams to actually get anything done.

The yelling didn't stop though, Nate zooming around with princess on his heels and the occasional bark echoing through the loft.

Louis tried to just focus on the dishes for a minute, letting out a few deep breaths and doing his absolute best to gather his thoughts. That seemed near impossible with his dog and Nate in the background though.

"Nate! You gotta sit down mate, enough screaming," he said, trying his hardest not to sound too frustrated.

"I don't wanna sit down Lou Lou," the toddler huffed as he ran into the kitchen, "I wanna play! Come on! Be Peter!"

"Buddy I can't be Peter right now, I gotta finish this up and get you in bed," Louis breathed out, "which is why I need you to settle down, please."

All Nate did was groan though before sprinting out of the kitchen and continuing to run amok.

At the noise Louis gripped the sink in front of him, shaking his head and doing everything in his power to keep calm. He wiped his hands on the dish towel and made his way towards Nate's screams, the 3 year old basically running into him as he stormed around.

"Nathaniel I need you to listen to me," Louis said quietly, getting down to his height, "it's time to stop playing. You can watch a show, or color, but we're done screaming and running around. We gotta calm down."

"But I don't wanna do those things Lou!" Nate stomped his foot, "I not sleepy!"

Louis rubbed a hand over his face, wishing the toddler was half as tired as he was. "Mate I don't wanna argue about this. You're going to bed in 30 minutes so that means we gotta relax a bit."

It was almost immediate that Nate's lip was wobbling and he looked close to tears. Louis couldn't have one of those nights though, he wasn't physically capable of handling a tantrum right now.

"No, c'mon none of that," he said softly, pulling Nate into his chest, "how bout this? You and I watch a show together with Princess, we'll say goodnight to daddy and I'll tell you a story in bed? That sound okay?"

Nate sniffled to himself and wiped his eyes but slowly nodded against the older man's chest as he hugged him.

"There we go, it's alright," Louis kissed his head and rubbed his back.

He picked Nate up and carried him over to the couch, forgetting the dishes in the sink as they talked about a show to watch. As soon as they were slumped into the couch Louis couldn't help but praise himself for getting out of that without a tantrum.

Nate cuddled into his side and princess had her head on the 3 year old's lap. Luckily it seemed he was able to calm down enough where he didn't want to run around, but that didn't stop him from asking question after question as the pair watched their show.

Louis humored him and of course told Nate all types of ridiculous answers which got him giggling. It wasn't too long though before their episode ended and he had to carry a grumpy toddler up to bed.

He made sure to stop at the office first, lightly knocking before there was a muffled "come in".

Louis pushed the door open with Nate on his hip and he could see just how stressed the younger man was from the look on his face. "Hey love, it's bedtime."

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