Chapter 9

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A/N Wow so this is so extremely late and I'm so sorry for that :( I was away with my Army unit in NYC after the bus attack and wasn't able to write. But I'm home for the holidays and I finally had some time to finish this up ! Let me know what you think !! Happy reading Xx

2 Months Later

"Daddy where are we?" Nate asked, looking around the large building curiously just before his father took a cautious step inside.

"Uhm, I believe this is where Louis works," Harry said, hoping he had the right address. "Hi, uh, I'm here to see Louis Tomlinson, I'm just not sure where to go," he said a bit nervously to a girl sitting behind a receptionist desk.

The woman looked up at him, her eyes scanning him up and down before letting out a deep breath and crossing her arms over her chest. "Mr. Tomlinson doesn't have any appointments for meet and greets today and we don't allow walk ins who want to meet him."

Harry stood there stunned for a second, feeling Nate gripping onto his collar tighter, clearly a bit scared of her. "N-no, I uhm, I'm his boyfriend... Harry Styles..." he said quietly. "He texted me to come, I-I just-"

"Oh! Mr. Styles, I am so sorry!" she rushed out, standing up from her seat with red embarrassed cheeks. "Of course, Mr.Tomlinson told me you were coming, I really am so sorry!"

"Oh, uh, it's fine," Harry said, it being like a switch went off in this girl and all of sudden she was the world's nicest secretary. "Would you mind just telling me where I could find him?"

"It's no problem at all, just go to the lift and you'll press number 3. He'll be right down the hall in studio 5."

"Perfect, thank you," he offered her a small smile before heading towards the lift.

"She was mean," Nate muttered as soon as the doors were closed behind them.

And Harry just chuckled at his son, kissing his head and hugging him close. "She's just protective love, that's all. Doesn't want anyone who isn't supposed to see Louis to come up here."

Nate didn't care for that answer all that much, muttering to himself because no one should talk to his daddy like that. But the closer they got to finding Louis to more he relaxed, there being no lie he was excited to see the older man at work and of course press all the buttons Louis talked about.

As soon as they stepped out of the lift though the last thing Nate was thinking about was the buttons. His entire focus was on the brightly decorated walls with all of his favorite animated characters surrounding him.

"Wow..." he barely managed to breathe out, in complete shock as to what he was looking at.

It seemed even his daddy was in awe, if possible every Disney character was painted on these walls, and the further they moved along the hallway the more they saw.

"Daddy! Daddy!! That Lou! See!"

Harry snapped his head up, looking to where the 3 year old was pointing, and instead of finding the blue eye lad he saw Flynn from Tangled painted on the wall.

"Yeah buddy, that is Louis," he chuckled, knowing he had played his voice in the movie.

He loved how proud Nate seemed that he knows the man behind the famous character. The toddler would talk to anyone who would listen about Louis and all of the voices he's done and which ones are his favorite. Whether it's his aunt Gemma or just someone at the studio, he had plenty to share about the funny older man who could do any voice you ask him.

"Okay big guy, looks like we're here," Harry said, seeing studio 5 and cautiously opening the door.

Apparently he didn't have to be too quiet though because as soon as they stepped into the room the first thing the two Styles were met with was Love is an Open Door blasting through the speakers and Louis and Niall singing at the top of their lungs as they danced.

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