Chapter 1

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"Nathaniel!! Nate come- God dammit," Harry muttered to himself, his camera bag falling off his shoulder and nearly smashing to the ground before his already full hand caught it and managed to somewhat push it back up his arm.

"Come on daddy!!"

"Buddy just- hang on, give daddy a second!" Harry yelled back, trying to organize himself and the million and one bags they seemed to have. "Nathaniel please come here."

He knew at this point he was almost begging, but there were a thousand things running through his head, mainly making sure his son didn't get taken or lost in the crowd on the dock.

"Daddy you not be having such hard time if you no bring cameras," Nate huffed as he ran up to his father and tugged the camera bag off his dad's arm, trying to help him out a bit.

"Buddy we're going on an adventure, don't you want to be able to look back at all the fun times we're gonna have?"

Nate looked up to his daddy with raised eyebrows, letting out a deep breath and shaking his head, because his father brings his cameras with him everywhere. To the park, out to eat, even watching movies on the couch at home is considered an "adventure".

"Don't give me that look, I'm doing all this for you," and Harry may have been half lying, the whole purpose of him taking pictures of his son is so he can remember all the moments they had together when he grows up, but he thought he could keep that to himself. "You should be saying 'thank you daddy, I love the surprise you got me'," he said with a teasing smile.

At that Nate bit his lip, hiding his growing smile as he reached for his father's two fingers and wrapped his little hand around them. "Thank you daddy," he said bashfully.

"You're welcome love," Harry laughed to himself, bending down just enough to press a quick kiss to his son's head. "Now come on, Uncle Liam is waiting for us."

"Yes!!" Nate cheered, tugging on his daddy's fingers as hard as he could to get him moving towards the huge boat.

And Harry had no choice but to follow of course, pulling their luggage along the way and praying he wouldn't trip anyone, or that he wouldn't trip over himself.

It was definitely a lot harder than he thought with Nate nearly dragging him to the cruise ship, but Harry got it, he really did. His son was only 3 and this was the first vacation they've ever been on, and everything was so foreign to his little boy, he knew he wanted to explore it at all. But not only was Nate excited, but Harry was too. He's never left the country before this, and truth be told he isn't really the adventurous type, but when Liam offered him this deal he couldn't pass it up.

"Daddy where uncle Liam? I no see him," Nate groaned, tugging his father another way and not paying any mind to the other people walking by them.

"Buddy!" Harry shrieked, his son successfully making him crash into a small brunette haired man. "Sorry, I'm so sorry!!" he called over his shoulder as Nate kept pulling him, only to see the quick flash of bright blue eyes on him, offering a small smile and wave translating not to worry about it before he kept on his way.

"Nathaniel I know you're excited, but please, be a little more careful big guy."

Nate let out a small breath but nodded anyways, slowing down his pace and giving his daddy a break so he could adjust their bags.

"Alright, uncle Liam said he'd be waiting by the entrance for us, so we're almost there," Harry said, looking at the huge ship in front of them and trying to figure out just which entrance Liam was talking about since there were about 10 of them.

He knew there was no way in hell he was going to go to the right one though, so his only hope was to go through one of them and text his best mate once they were inside. And that's exactly what he did, making sure they calmly and carefully got aboard the boat, Nate shaking with excitement as the minutes passed. But of course as soon as Harry texted Liam and they managed to find the older lad the 3 year old was screaming.

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