Chapter 17

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1 Month Later

Louis looked over himself in the mirror, letting out a deep breath and adjusting his glasses. After checking and double checking his suit was straight and hair was perfect did he finally leave the bathroom and head downstairs to meet Harry.

He was secretly grateful his boyfriend said he had no problem getting Nate ready by himself, probably seeing how nervous he was. Louis couldn't help it though, he was always a mess when it came to premiers or award shows. Over the years the pressure has mounted and each piece of work of his that came out had to live up to high expectations.

He knew this time was different though. This time he had his two boys and Harry has been doing everything in his power to keep him calm, and that by itself was more than what Louis was used to.

"Look at you..."

He picked his head up, too quickly feeling his cheeks heat up at the way his boyfriend was looking at him.

"Lou... Holy-" Harry cleared his throat, unable to take his eyes off him, "you uh, well maybe we should go to more of these things."

Louis knew it, he was red. But that didn't stop the small laugh that escaped him.

"You two look amazing as well," he smiled at them, letting his eyes roam over the younger lad and holding everything in him not to say something inappropriate for little ears.

"Thanks Lou!" Nate said happily, "you look real nice for movie."

"Thank you love, so do you," Louis said, the 3 year old looking more than adorable in his vest and tie, "if you two are all set the car is ready downstairs."

"Yes!" Nate cheered, reaching for both their hands and tugging them towards the door, "bye Princess, we be back, be good!"

The pair looked between each other, both rolling their eyes fondly and letting themselves get pulled out of the loft. Nate was talking away, clearly very excited for the night and seeing the new cartoon Louis voiced. Harry seemed just as excited as his son though, the two of them going back and forth about how fun it'll be to be some of the first people to ever see this movie.

Even when they got into the car the two Styles boys didn't stop their chatter. Louis looking between the two with a small smile as they got settled in their seats.

"And I tell everyone at daycare that I see new movie first! I gonna tell them all bout it."

Louis laughed to himself quietly, knowing Nate has been talking non stop to his little friends about this new movie. He could feel Harry's eyes on him though and when he stole a quick glance at the younger lad he could see him looking back at him worriedly.

"You alright?" he asked, "you've been quiet."

"Yeah, yeah, m'good," Louis nodded, "just always get a bit nervous at premiers..."

Harry's face softened, rubbing his boyfriend's back carefully as he could see all day he hasn't been himself. "What's making you nervous love?"

Louis bit his lip and looked at his hands, not sure if he could explain, but he wanted to try.

"I'm the voice of Disney..." he started off quietly, "every movie I do has to be as good or better than the last and-...And it's a lot..."

"Louis you know no matter how the movie turns out it won't change you as a person, and that's all that matters," Harry said, fully wrapping his arms around him and pulling the older man into his side, "Nate and I love you, we're here for you, it'll be alright."

He knew that, he knew this time was different from any other premiere he's been to. Louis has two people with him this time, and these two people he loves with all his heart. That by itself was enough to calm his nerves.

I Was Made for Loving You (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now