Chapter 5

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A/N  Wow, so this is so incredibly late and I am so so sorry for that. I was with my military unit in the woods for a few weeks to conduct training and didn't have my laptop, so again, I'm sorry :( This isn't edited, but I wanted to get it out ASAP and it will be edited tomorrow after I get off work. Hope it was somewhat worth the wait !

"You alright mate? You look like you're close to shaking," Liam whispered to Harry, him seeming like any second he would have a panic attack.

"Just nervous," Harry breathed out, combing his fingers through the top of his curls for maybe the millionth time since they got in the lift.

"There's nothing to be nervous about mate," Liam clapped him on his back. "Just a nice little outing with the boys."

"And me!!" Nate jumped excitedly.

"And you," Liam chuckled at the 3 year old.

All Harry did though was let out a huff, knowing it should be like any other night with Louis and his mates, but now Liam was here and it would be the first time they're all hanging out together. Of course he needed Liam to like Louis, if his best mate didn't approve of him then Harry didn't know what he would do with himself. But then he had to remind himself that Louis was Louis, and it seemed near impossible not to fond over him.

"You'll be nice, right?"

"No Harry, I'm going to be a complete arse and try to scare him away," Liam rolled his eyes, only to feel a little hand hit his leg, looking down and seeing Nate eyeing him. "Sorry buddy, uncle Liam said a bad word."

Nate hummed, seemingly accepting his uncle's apology.

"Well at least thanks for taking the night off and everything," Harry said through a grateful smile. "It means a lot."

"Of course mate, gotta be a good wing man," Liam winked at him.

But Harry just scowled back at him, knowing Liam's version of being a wingman was embarrassing him until his face was bright red and he could barely breathe. He only hoped that wouldn't happen tonight because he knew with Louis he would never live any of it down.

He did owe his best mate one though, since he took the night off just to watch Nate and he only got a limited number of them while out on the water.

"Daddy come on," Nate groaned as the lift doors opened and his father refused to move.

Harry let out one more deep breath, trying to get himself to relax and prepare for the night ahead of him as he followed Nate and Liam down the hall and to the restaurant.

"Mr. Payne, good to see you," the maitre-d said happily. "Your guests for dinner are already here, I set them up at your table."

"Perfect, thank you Jackson," Liam smiled at him before scooping Nate up and leading Harry to the table. "Damn... Does he work with models, what is this?" he muttered to himself, seeing the two other men sitting with Louis.

Harry couldn't help but laugh to himself at hearing that, not at all surprised Liam thought of Niall and Zayn like that because there was no point in lying they were both more than handsome.

"Harry!" Louis said excitedly at seeing the curly haired lad and pushing himself out of his seat. "Hello love," he said softly, standing on his toes and pressing their lips together quickly before focusing on Liam. "Hey mate, good to see ya again."

"And you," Liam smiled back at him as he shook his hand.

As soon as they dropped their hands though Louis was quick to happily introduce his mates to Liam. And Harry really couldn't say how relieved he was to see things so far going well. But the night had just begun, so there was still plenty of time for him to embarrass himself, or Liam doing that for him.

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