Chapter 7

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A/N I'm the worst cause this isn't edited but I just wanted to put it out as soon as I was done with it. Happy reading and I'll edit it tomorrow Xx

1 Week Later

"Are you okay buddy? You still sleepy?" Harry asked softly, shifting Nate on his hip as he rubbed the toddler's back.

Nate couldn't help the yawn that came from him a second later, nodding at his daddy before resting his head on his shoulder and slowly closing his eyes.

Harry let out a quiet breath as he glanced at his son, stepping into the lift and pushing the number that Louis had texted him.

He knew the jetlag was hard on Nate, they landed back in London just yesterday, but he had hoped that by now the 3 year old would be used to the time difference. There was no lying that they were both upset about the cruise coming to an end, but Harry liked to believe they used the rest of their time on the boat to the fullest. Of course they went to the beach, went on every water slide available, built enough sand castles to create an empire and walked through too many little towns to count. At least he got enough pictures to relive the entire trip, every single one of them having Nate or Louis in them, or the two of them together.

But now they were home, and the blue eyed lad true to his word made it a point that they still see each other. So this is how Harry and Nate found themselves walking down the hall of a clearly overly fancy building in the search of Louis' flat.

"My boys!!" Louis squealed as soon as he swung the door open after hearing a soft knock.

And he didn't even waste a second before lunging at the younger lad and squeezing the life out of him, kissing Nate's head and making sure to press his and Harry's lips together.

"Love, love," Harry laughed against him. "What's gotten into you?"

"I missed you!" Louis said like that was the most ridiculous question.

Harry raised his eyebrows at that, letting a low chuckle escape him as he shook his head at him. "Lou it's only been a day."

"Well yeah, but..." Louis trailed off a bit embarrassed. "I'm just- I'm excited, okay?" he huffed, there being no way he could hide it. "We're all back home and you're at my place for the first time and I dunno, it's- it's just like boyfriend things or whatever."

And Harry really did try to stop the wide smile that was coming over him as he heard Louis, it impossible for him to say he was happy about the same thing. But just as he was about to say something so he didn't seem like some idiot a small but mighty bark scared the life out of him.

"Princess! Stop it!" Louis said, tugging on the small pug's collar to get her to stop jumping on Harry.

"Doggy!!" Nate shrieked, very suddenly wide awake as he wiggled out of his father's arms.

"Princess?" Harry barked, his laugh echoing in the hallway and only getting louder as he saw Louis' bright red cheeks.

"Okay, yeah, whatever, but you'll understand once you get to know her!" Louis huffed, rolling his eyes as he pulled his dog inside and ushered the two Styles in as well.

Harry just hummed as he tried to keep in his laughter, his eyes trained on Nate and this overly adorable pug that was running circles around the 3 year old. "I didn't even know you had a dog."

"Really?" Louis asked a bit surprised. "I mean, I know I never mentioned her, but she's my phone background and you've seen that."

"Well how was I supposed to know she was your dog? I thought you just liked pugs or whatever and liked to look at them."

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