Chapter 14

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"Louis, where are we going?" Harry asked confused, knowing the security check wasn't anywhere near wherever they were heading.

"Trust me love," he looked over his shoulder to wink at his boyfriend.

Harry bit his lip, holding onto Nate's hand just a bit tighter as he adjusted his camera bags.

It felt like they were walking forever, the curly haired man only growing more nervous as they approached a security check with a single lane, one guard, and just them in sight.

"Hey, how are ya mate?" Louis smiled at the guard, placing his bags down on the belt, and reaching for the ones Harry had.

He allowed Louis to take them, having Nate follow the older lad through the detector before he did so himself.

As soon as they got past the small check point though Harry could see they really were the only ones there.

"Lou, what's going-"

"If you just follow me all your questions will be answered."

Harry huffed, taking Nate's hand again as his boyfriend marched through this deserted part of the airport.

Louis knew exactly where they were going, taking this route too many times to count. But he was happy Harry was walking a bit behind him, knowing there was no way he could hide his smile as they got closer to where they needed to go.

"Wait! Lou, you can't go out there!," he tried to stop him, seeing his hand reaching for a door that led outside.

Louis didn't say anything though, all he did was grin at the green eyed lad and push the door open before walking out and holding it for them.

"Well come on."

Harry looked around frantically, waiting for some guard to come running at them because they set an alarm off or something. But instead there was nothing. Just Louis looking at him amused and waving him outside.

He shuffled his feet slowly forward, Nate basically dragging him at this point as the 3 year old groaned to himself.

As soon as Harry was outside though he saw it. His eyes immediately widening and mouth falling open.

"That for us?!" Nate shrieked, running over to Louis and tugging on him excitedly.

"Sure is!" he said just as enthused as the toddler as he scooped him up.

"Louis no," Harry shook his head, "are you mental?! No, no way, not happening."

Louis laughed to himself, the look on Harry's face being more than worth it. "Oh it's happening."

Harry wanted to say something, anything, but absolutely nothing came out as he stared at the private plane in front of him.

Harry wanted to say something, anything, but absolutely nothing came out as he stared at the private plane in front of him

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