Chapter 20

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A/N Alright I'm a liar, this isn't the last chapter. I started writing it, got too long and had to cut it down, but you'll get one more out of me after this ! Very excited for the last bit of this journey !

2 Months Later

Harry squeezed Nate's hand as the toddler skipped down the hallway, unable to stop his smile as he heard his boy's nonstop chatter. He's been excited since he picked him up from daycare, but Harry got it. This was one of Nate's favorite places and he was always guaranteed a good time when they visited.

It took them no time at all to find the studio, Nate almost squealing as he saw the familiar door and took off for it.

Harry was quick to stop him though, scooping him up and shushing him gently before he carefully pushed the door open.

His eyes quickly set on Louis in the booth in the middle of recording. He made sure to look down at Nate and put a finger over his mouth, the 3 year old grinning as he mimicked him and nodded.

Harry made sure not to move a muscle or make a sound, only picking his head back up to watch his boyfriend. His one hand was firm over his headphones as Circle of Life blasted through the speakers and Louis' voice was coming out loud and clear.

This was his favorite part of coming to the studio. For Nate it was the buttons and hearing Louis do all of his funny voices. But for Harry what he loved most was coming in on the days where Louis was recording songs. He loved hearing him sing and watching him become completely engrossed in what he was doing.

The entire song his eyes were set on him, and he knew Nate was probably doing the same thing. And for Harry it was over far too soon, but as soon as Louis finished the song and Nate saw the recording light go off he was quick to speak up.

"Papa that sound so good! Oh my gosh!" he squealed as he bounced in his dad's arms.

Niall jumped in his seat, clutching his chest as he spun around and saw the two Styles, "geez guys," he huffed.

Louis wasn't nearly as startled though, quickly waving at the two from behind the glass and pulling his headphones off. As soon as he was out of the booth Nate made grabby hands for him and he was more than quick to take him into his arms and give him a sloppy kiss.

"Gave Niall a little scare, huh big guy?" Louis laughed, his mate still looking like he was trying to breathe.

"I no mean to," Nate shook his head, "but you singing pretty, I like it!"

"Well thank you love," Louis smiled at him, giving him one more squeeze, "and hello other love," he chuckled, standing on his toes and pressing his lips to Harry's.

Harry grinned against him and not so purposefully squished Nate between them. But at least he got a few kisses before the toddler was whining.

"Busy day?"

"Very," Louis breathed out, "I've only run that song about 10 times, but earlier I was doing a few scenes with John and it was a ton of fun."

"Mate John Kani is a fucking legend he-"

"Niall!" both Harry and Louis hissed at the same time.

Niall looked over to Nate, the 3 year old not so subtly scowling at him, "right, sorry..."

Louis rolled his eyes as he adjusted Nate on his hip, "we don't have that much more though. Just rehearsing I Just Can't Wait to be King for a bit and then I'm done."

"Papa I wanna do the Phil voice! I watch Hercules and I like him!" Nate bounced in his arms.

Louis opened his mouth but just as he was about to say something Harry beat him to it.

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