Chapter 3

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"I need you guys on your best behavior. That means no swearing, keeping the inappropriate jokes to a minimum and please for the love of God don't embarrass me," Louis almost begged, knowing his best mates had an act for making him look like an idiot.

"It's not our fault you're so easy to tease Tomlinson, especially with how you've been talking about these two since we met them," Niall smirked at the older lad.

Louis couldn't even try to defend himself as he just glared back at Niall and then Zayn at hearing the brown eyed lad snicker.

"But don't worry mate, we'll be good so you can charm your way into their little family."

"Would you stop?" Louis groaned as they got out of the lift and made their way to the pool deck. "It's not like I'm trying to infiltrate their family, I just want to get to know them a bit more, and you do that by hanging out."

"And asking them out on dates," Zayn wiggled his eyebrows at the shorter lad.

And again Louis was left speechless. He couldn't deny that at all, he had asked if Harry and Nate would like to come to dinner with him, and there was no lying that he was hoping that after tonight things could move in the direction he wanted them to, that was if Harry wanted that too of course.

"It's cute Lou, don't worry about it," Niall clapped him on the back. "Let's just hope he's into you as much as you're into him."

"Gee, thanks Ni, real helpful," Louis rolled his eyes as they got to the deck, looking all around and searching for the curly haired lad.

Niall shrugged, not thinking he said anything completely ridiculous or untrue.

"Oh God, there they are," Louis breathed out, finding the two Styles across the deck by the pool. "Alright, please don't do or say anything stup-"

"Nate! My man! How are ya buddy?" Niall asked excitedly as they walked up to the two.

"Hi!" Nate waved happily, almost jumping where he was as he saw the three men. "Daddy say we gon- we gonna swim and when boat stop we go on adventure on island!!"

"Your daddy has the right idea," Zayn laughed fondly to himself at hearing the toddler stumble over his words.

Louis looked between his two mates and he couldn't say how grateful he was to them for being so nice. Of course he knew they would be nice to Harry and Nate, they love kids as much as he does, but he only hoped that when it came to him and Harry they wouldn't say anything embarrassing.

And when he looked to the curly haired lad he could see his eyes already on him, his cheeks almost immediately going pink at being caught staring, but if anything that only made Louis' own smile grow.

"Hey," he said softly, reaching a careful hand over and rubbing Harry's back gently.

Just at feeling his hand on him Harry felt his face heating up impossibly more, having to clear his throat so his voice wouldn't crack as he said a quiet "hi," in return.

"Hey Harry, how've ya been mate?" Niall asked as the 3 year old kept tugging on his hand, clearly wanting to skip the chatter and get straight to swimming.

"I'm uh, I'm really good thanks for asking, but Nate, buddy, c'mon, stop that," Harry said, not wanting his son to bother the blonde lad.

"Oh he's alright, just excited," Niall smiled down at the toddler before scooping him up. "You ready to jump in big guy?"

"Yes!!" Nate cheered.

And just as Niall was about to walk off with him towards the pool Louis stopped him.

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