Chapter 12

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"Lou! Lou Lou, I want this!!" Nate screamed as he ran down the aisle to the older man.

"Depends on what it is," Louis said, not looking up from the list Harry scribbled out for him as the 3 year old crashed into his legs.

Nate grabbed the blue eyed lad's arm, tugging on him until he had his attention and thrusting what he had in his hand to Louis.

"...You want beans?" he asked completely confused.

"No! It chili!" Nate said as if that was the silliest thing he ever heard.

"Right," Louis chuckled to himself, taking the can from him and making a mental note to add chili fixings to the list. "With you and daddy all unpacked I was thinking we could have a special dinner tonight, what do you think?"


"Just pizza? You don't want to go out?" he asked, scooping the toddler up and sitting him in the trolley.

Nate lit up at hearing that, nodding quickly and saying a loud "yes!" as he jumped in his seat.

Louis couldn't help but smile down at him as he walked along the aisle. Even with the 3 year old stopping him every five minutes to look at something on the shelf or ask if he could have this or that, Louis couldn't wipe the grin off his face.

Just the change of permanently shopping for three, coming home and knowing Nate and Harry will be there had the older lad feeling like he was on cloud nine. His house was a home with his two boys living there now and everything was unpacked and in it's place.

Everything from Harry's flat fit seamlessly into Louis' place and Nate's room was finally decorated the exact way he wanted it, it was almost too easy. But since Harry finished the last of the unpacking today Louis thought a little treat was in order.

But first he had to try to read Harry's chicken scratch handwriting and get everything he needed on his shopping list, otherwise he'd be hearing it from his boyfriend later.

The two had made their way mostly down the list, walking through the store without Louis spoiling Nate too much for Harry to get mad at him.

"What do you think buddy, orange juice or cranberry juice?" he asked, his eyes scanning over the options and trying to figure out which one to get.

But when the 3 year old didn't answer him he looked to the toddler, only to see him completely still and staring at something further down the aisle.

"Buddy? What's wrong?" Louis asked, his eyes following where Nate was looking, only to see some guy's gaze on them.

Again Nate didn't answer though, instead let out a quiet whimper and tried to climb out of the trolley.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down big guy," Louis said quickly, noticing how scared all of a sudden he got.

He tried to sit him back down but if anything Nate only clung to his neck as he shook his head furiously.

"Okay, alright," Louis said softly, needing him to calm down before he had a full blown tantrum, and he didn't even know why he was upset.

"I wanna go home," Nate sniffled against Louis' shirt, quiet tears coming from him as he held onto the older man for dear life.

Louis opened his mouth, now really having no clue what got him this shaken. "We're almost done, just a few more minutes and we'll go home."

But he couldn't even take a step before Nate was clinging to him harder than before, letting out a loud cry and trying his absolute hardest to get down.

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